[Tweeters] Hayton on Fir Island - a Surprise ... (via Tweeters)

via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Fri May 10 06:56:07 PDT 2024


I went back to Hayton yesterday and spent several hours watching that Canada
Goose on top of the upside down stump. There's a very nice bench that faces
the stump that you can sit on - comfortable even for long sits.

She (?) is definitely sitting on at least one egg. She gets up and changes
position and readjusts the egg "about every 15 to 30 minutes". So if you
wait/come back you can get a picture with the head in the right direction
for the lighting. And often this including adjusting the down (feathers)
that are being piled around the egg to plug the space between her body and
the egg. I briefly got to see the top of the egg as it was being rolled.
Three or four times she clearly "raised/strained her neck looking towards
the gate area". Always in the same direction. Anticipating where the mate
would return from?
Several times an eagle flew near by - every time she dropped her head
low and stretched it out in front of her in what I would call a "threat
posture". This happened even when the eagle was a -long- way off. If
you see that posture - there's an eagle somewhere but not necessarily in
the direction her head is stretched out.
I tried to wait until the mate returned - to photo "the exchange". It
didn't happen. I was there until almost 6.
At one point another CG flew near, circled around near but not around
the stump, and then left. The mate? No visible/audible response from
the one sitting.
The tide was at its lowest when I arrived and was fully flooding the
large bay by the time I left. It was interesting to sit there and watch
the bay change from mud to water - at times you could actually see the
water 'taking back ground' as it moved/spread out/ran up into the long
channels (IRC they are called "leads"?).
It was not a particularly birdy day - in fact I'd have to call it a
slow day. Perhaps there is more active when the tide is going out than
when it is coming in?
- Jim

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