[Tweeters] White-crowned Sparrows

Patricia Quyle Grainger via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Wed May 8 11:22:20 PDT 2024

My yard, too, has had an extraordinary number of white-crown sparrows this spring. I haven’t tried to count them, but they’re all around—under the feeders, foraging on the lawn, and flitting in the trees. Right now, except for robins, I think they’re outnumbering everything. They are fun to watch!

Pat Grainger
Port Townsend

> On May 8, 2024, at 9:22 AM, Joan Miller via Tweeters <tweeters at u.washington.edu> wrote:



> Hi Tweets,


> Yesterday was a record for my yard! I counted seven white-crowned sparrows feeding under my seed feeder at the same time. I have never seen more than a single one, maybe once a year, in my yard in 17 years. Then I spotted a Wilson's Warbler, who flitted around my small tree briefly. Anyone else experiencing a bounty of white crowns? They are a delight to see.


> Joan Miller

> West Seattle

> jemskink at gmail



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