[Tweeters] Slow migration startup?

Mark Walton via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Sat May 4 04:22:37 PDT 2024

I enjoy recording nocturnal flight calls and I've generally found BirdCast
to be pretty accurate, in terms of predicting when I'm going to hear the
most calls. One odd thing about this spring's migration so far: I've heard
virtually no warbler NFCs during the hours when I'm typically listening
(3am to 4:30 or 5:00). So far, of the calls I've been able to identify,
I've had three soras, three dunlin, and a lot of savannah sparrows. In
previous years I've reported a lot of "new world warbler sp" calls but none
so far this spring. Not sure I understand why, because I'm seeing/hearing
plenty of spring warblers during daytime birding. I guess that, so far,
they've been following a migration route that doesn't take them over my


Ar Aoine 3 Beal 2024 ag 14:01, scríobh Steve Hampton via Tweeters <
tweeters at u.washington.edu>:

> BirdCast was pretty accurate last night, at least here in Port Townsend.

> There was a big movement of Yellow-rumped Warblers -- mostly Audubon. I

> counted 51 moving from tree to tree out near the lighthouse. We've been

> swimming in Orange-crowns for a week or more. Western Flycatchers arrived

> en force a couple days ago. No other flycatchers that I've seen yet.

> There's been a scattering of Wilson's, Black-thr Gray, and I've seen a

> couple of each of these: MacGillivray's, Warbling Vireos, BH Grosbeaks. I

> suspect we'll get a large pulse with the coming high pressure in about a

> week.




> On Fri, May 3, 2024 at 1:46 PM BRAD Liljequist via Tweeters <

> tweeters at u.washington.edu> wrote:


>> Hi all,


>> I keep waiting to hear the warblers moving through Phinney Ridge - but

>> haven't heard much of anything. How about others? I know it's maybe a

>> touch early, but seems like in past things started last week of April.


>> Brad Liljequist

>> Phinney Ridge, Seattle, WA

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> --

> ​Steve Hampton​

> Port Townsend, WA (qatáy)



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