[Tweeters] ADMINISTRATIVE - Inappropriate topic followup

Hal Opperman UW via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Thu Jun 27 18:06:31 PDT 2024

Two days ago Tweeters members were asked to drop the topic of bird-naming rights. That request has not had the desired effect. Despite allowing a couple more days for people to have another go-round with it to make adjustments, we remain in exactly the same place.

Let me just reprint the message the administrative message first sent to the list on November 29, 2023:

"Dear Tweeters,

"The debate about renaming of birds has broken down into two camps, both of which have raised their concerns fully.

"In the interest of preserving civil discourse, it’s time to call a halt to this topic before it reaches the troll farm level (if it hasn’t already).

"Thank you for the many, many thoughtful comments, and for your understanding.

"Good birding!

"Hal Opperman
(from the front office)”

List administrator is a non-partisan position, despite some few members of both camps having let me know that’s not how they feel about it. My responsibilities are like those of the manager of a popular bar where all kinds of discussions take place, often among very opinionated groups of people. All of that is very fine and to be encouraged, in the interest of sociability. But when tempers flare between two opposing camps of hard-headed, thin-skinned folks, it is time for both camps to clear out of my bar and take their fight to the street.


Hal Opperman
Tweeters list administrator (with Elaine Chuang)

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