[Tweeters] How do Cassin's Auklets work?

Tim Brennan via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Mon Jun 24 01:17:53 PDT 2024

Hey Tweets!

Thank you for the continued flow of information about the auklets and the islands where they (and other fun birds) make their homes. I appreciate Scott's cautions, and to be clear - I'd not dream of landing on these islands. I'd read of kayak trips that passed by these islands, but did not land on them. I'd assume that, much like Protection Island near Port Townsend, there's even an approach buffer that would must be respected. And, as noted before. . . "the best way to see Cassin's Auklets" in Jefferson County may not be in the cards at all this year, as there's not exactly, to my understanding, a Jefferson County Pelagic Tours company out there. 😄

I think the best equivalent, in terms of plans and expectations, would be the Hollywood Tour buses. They drive past the homes of Tom Cruise, Katy Perry, Bruno Mars. . .and nobody asks for a refund if they don't see them. Just, "Oh neat! That's where they live." and off we go. I'm still interested in planning a trip around these islands, but it may be a disappointing trip for any birding paparazzi. There are better ways to see Fork-tailed Storm Petrels and Rihanna for sure.

Nonetheless, to give it a look from a distance, circle some islands that few people circle, maybe see some puffins, and maybe spot one of those other breeding species (if, hypothetically, they decide that a gullet full of krill is a good enough reason to zip back and drop a snack off with the kids) would suit me just fine. Apologies if this fool's errand came off as anything more focused/careless/diabolical than that! Thank you, Scott, for the additional information, and for the work you do in protecting these special places.

And again, if anyone else is a fan of fool's errands, do reach out.


Tim Brennan
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