[Tweeters] Amerigo

Rob Faucett via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Sun Jun 23 22:17:23 PDT 2024

I disagree. It’s been closed. And this is not the the forum for this discussion. It’s an important issue and should be discussed. It’s simply shouldn’t be done herein.

As previously decided.



Rob Faucett
+1(206) 619-5569
robfaucett at mac.com
Seattle, WA 98105

> On Jun 23, 2024, at 4:58 PM, Gary Bletsch via Tweeters <tweeters at u.washington.edu> wrote:



> Dear Tweeters,


> If memory serves, on this much beloved list-serve Tweeters, the topic "harmful bird names being reclaimed by the Peoples' Congress for Eternal Purity of Ethos Among All Beings" was deemed out of bounds by the administrators a while back.


> Nonetheless, it is interesting to bring it once again into discussion, since the big event is on the horizon.


> Yours truly,


> Gary Bletsch



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