[Tweeters] Jefferson County trip - blog update

Tim Brennan via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Sat Jun 22 02:20:53 PDT 2024

Hey Tweets,

I have partially updated the blog<https://jkcountybirding.blogspot.com/2024/06/june-12th-full-day-in-west-jefferson.html> <https://jkcountybirding.blogspot.com/2024/06/june-12th-full-day-in-west-jefferson.html> to include my recent trip out to the Pacific Ocean, the Hoh Rainforest, and nearly every clear-cut. . .clearcut? Clear cut?? Nearly every area from which the trees have been largely been removed in the western part of Jefferson.


Tim Brennan
June 12th - A Full Day in West Jefferson County<https://jkcountybirding.blogspot.com/2024/06/june-12th-full-day-in-west-jefferson.html>
Jefferson County is big, and it is small. It is close, and it is far. Also, the entire middle of the county is impassable by motor vehicle ...

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