[Tweeters] Northern State Recreation Area - today

via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Fri Jun 14 14:50:18 PDT 2024

  I walked a lot of the trails at the subject site this morning.  Starting
out just after 7:30am and finishing just before 9:30.  There were
a few RWB and robins at the start but the birding dropped off as
the morning drew on.  I did get to see a -lot- of bunnies (no parents
where were the raptors?) and a couple of last year's fawns.  It was a
nice morning weather wise.
  After that "wash out" I drove up to Concrete and back along the
South Skagit Highway - just a few birds here and there (didn't stop).
Again - no raptors ... zip zero.  *Sigh*.

                                                  - Home in Burlington
about 11 ... Jim
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