[Tweeters] Peregrine occupancy data in Washington State

Bud Anderson via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Sun Jun 9 14:00:03 PDT 2024


We are looking for information on rates of peregrine nest site occupancy
here in Washington this year.

Several biologists, birders and falconers are working together to get an
idea of how many sites are occupied by adults this summer.

We have the Seattle, Tacoma, San Juan Islands, North Bend and many Columbia
Basin sites covered so far.

If you are monitoring other nest sites in Washington, we would really
appreciate any current information you can provide.

This effort is part of a much larger effort to assess the potential impact
of Avian Influenza on this iconic and vulnerable species.

We'd appreciate any contributions on your part.

Thank you,

Bud Anderson
(360) 757-1911
falconresearch at gmail.com
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