[Tweeters] Flora and Fauna

Paul Bannick via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Wed Jun 5 08:54:19 PDT 2024

I would add that in a time when most bookstores are forced to focus on
turning inventory and thus are challenged to keep many titles, David stands
alone in carrying a broad diversity of natural history titles that not only
help birds learn more about birds but perhaps more importantly help that
learn about the plants, ecosystems and geographies that sustain them.
He has been my go-to for for such titles for more than 25 years and I am
glad he is still in business to help us dig deeper into our precious
natural resources.

On Tue, Jun 4, 2024 at 2:27 PM via Tweeters <tweeters at u.washington.edu>

> Oh yes, I agree with Bud and Rachel that we should recognize David as

> having been an important member of our community for a long time,

> furnishing us with the books we need to become better birders.


> Let’s not forget the value and beauty of books. They were answering our

> questions and giving us pleasure long before the internet was invented. We

> need the rustle of pages as much as we do the clicking of keyboards.


> Dennis Paulson

> Seattle


> > On Jun 4, 2024, at 13:46, Bud Anderson via Tweeters <

> tweeters at u.washington.edu> wrote:

> >

> > Here is another glowing vote of support for David, a staunch provider of

> books and other ephemera for curious biologists/botanists over these many

> decades, both in the Seattle area and beyond.

> >

> > Plus, as another added bonus, he has a fine British sense of humor that

> I have always enjoyed greatly.

> >

> > A key resource.

> >

> > A purveyor of treasures.

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Now Available:
Owl: A Year in the Lives of North American Owls at:

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