[Tweeters] Lesser nighthawk

Louise via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Sat Jun 1 17:27:51 PDT 2024

I got to the cove around 2.30pm. I got out of the car with my binoculars
and a lady returning to hers said to me, "Straight down the main path,
you'll see the birders." So that was easy. I don't envy the people who get
there early each day and have to find it.

It wasn't cooperative enough to be sharing a branch with a common nighthawk
as it was a few days ago, but there was a very visible roosting common
elsewhere in the cove for comparison looks and shots. The bird did
periodically stretch and preen so every aspect of it could be seen with a
little patience.

Many thanks to the Canadian birder who did the finding this morning and put
everyone else on to it.

Louise Rutter
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