[Tweeters] Birding NZ?

qblater via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Tue Jul 30 09:27:28 PDT 2024

Are you referring to Wrybill tours?
Clarice Clark

> On Jul 30, 2024, at 8:04 AM, Jim Betz via Tweeters <tweeters at u.washington.edu> wrote:


> Hi all,


> Anyone out there used "Wry" birding tours in New Zealand? Good experience? If not


> Wry have you used a different tour operator in NZ?



> NZ is a fantastic place - with the one large drawback that it is an 18-hour flight to get


> there (or more). But the number and variety of endemic species in NZ is amazing and


> the ability to get to/see/hear them is great.


> - Jim


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