[Tweeters] Jefferson County Shorebirds and Fight Club Owls

Tim Brennan via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Sun Jul 28 22:38:40 PDT 2024

Hi Tweets!

After a long month of writing projects, I finally got out to Jefferson and Kitsap Counties to do some shorebirding and some backpacking.

On the way out, and on the way back, there were peeps-a-plenty to look through at a few spots. Sinclair Inlet (at Gorst, via a trail from a parking lot hidden behind a Subaru dealership) had dozens of Least and Western Sandpipers to sort through, as well as some Greater Yellowlegs. Oak Bay County Park had goodies on the way there (all of the above, and Lesser Yellowlegs) and back (Semipalmated Plover), and Kah Tai Lagoon in Port Townsend had a lot of peeps, as well as a handful of Long-billed Dowitchers. I hadn't expected the latter spot to be good for shorebirds, but the good mud has been right along the walking path, making for very easy looks at a lot of little birds.

Backpacking up in the Olympics - I've been pretty focused on Jefferson County, and on finding some good hikes. I found a good one, and did end up finding a Spotted Owl up there (no pictures, no further details, no playback, no calling, no location on any eBird reports during my stay up there. It just called. I just listened). On the following morning, I got a recording of what I figured was just an American Goshawk, but may have been Marbled Murrelets?!?! I'd be happy to get more experienced ears on the recording - it's nothing I've heard before, and was not even on my radar, but... Of course they're up there nesting! Thanks in advance for any listens to the recording in my most recent post.

July 26th - Spotties to Shorebirds<https://jkcountybirding.blogspot.com/2024/07/july-27th-spotties-to-shorebirds.html>
Somewhere, Jefferson County Breakfast time I'd fallen asleep to Spotted Owls, and I woke up to them as well. Around 4:30 A.M., I got a few m...

Over the course of this last month, I've just been trying to get this trip planned. I have another hike to Mount Townsend planned, as well as backpacking to Marmot Pass. Somehow in there, I'm still hoping to do the "Fool's Errand" boat trip to (like.. near, not to) Round and Anderson Island. I had two other folks reach out expressing interest - the boat would hold up to 6 people to split a fixed price. Two hours or so in the late afternoon/evening in an area where Cassin's Auklets and Tufted Puffins would not be a surprise. Multiple people have mentioned Manx Shearwaters and Jaegers as possibilities as well. Not a full-blown pelagic trip, and it's completely possible that we'd just come back empty-handed, having only enjoyed a sunset cruise on the Pacific! I'm okay with that. Contact me if you are too


Tim Brennan

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