[Tweeters] Cedar River Delta

Odette James via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Mon Jul 22 11:03:12 PDT 2024

Notable birds over the last few days - today, Monday July 22, 22 Caspian Terns, all in adult breeding plumage, spending a lot of time just hanging out on the delta logs; a few American Coots; a few immature Ring-billed Gulls; and a few California Gulls.  A few days ago - a Horned Grebe in breeding plumage, here only briefly.  And hordes of Canada Geese and Mallards plus some Gadwalls and a few Great Blue Herons.  Common Mergansers seem to have had a decent breeding season, as there are many young ones here now, feeding as usual with their faces planted in the water or snoozing on the logs.
Odette James, Lakeshore Retirement Community
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