[Tweeters] question about a nest

via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Tue Jul 16 11:35:49 PDT 2024

Hello! I just found a cup-style bird nest with three light colored eggs with
spots built on the end of an evergreen branch in a woody area, fully
exposed. I didn’t want to disturb it, but with a quick glance, the eggs
seemed round, about ¼ inch? Could this still be an active nest or one that’s
most likely been abandoned? Seems like a bird fluttered further into the
branch as I stopped. We live in the woods in the Pacific Northwest (Port
Orchard) with a lot of evergreen and deciduous trees in our back woods.
There were broken shells (blue – probably a robin’s?) nearby. According to
Merlin, the only birds identified in this area are Chestnut-backed
Chickadees, but we’ve also heard Dark-eyed Juncos in that same area. Any


Rae Hight
rae at raehight.com

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