[Tweeters] Barred Owl Hooting in Ballard

Mike Wagenbach via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Tue Jul 16 08:57:30 PDT 2024

I heard two Barred Owls calling back and forth in Discovery Park in the
late 1990s, IIRC, so they are around. Eventually we were able to see one
of them in a tree near the trail, but it was amazing how hard the bird was
to spot when it was only maybe 30 feet away. It was near the point marked
17 in the map here: https: //www.fodp.org/maps/ (remove the space to open

I'm not thrilled to hear them since they are an invasive species and are
said to be tough on the Screech Owls.

Mike Wagenbach
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