[Tweeters] How can I up my game ...

via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Wed Jul 3 08:30:53 PDT 2024

Hi again,

  As outlined before I've had a chance to testing Sound ID.  We have
family visiting
from Florida and so for 2 days now one of us used Sound ID (he doesn't
see well
enough to spot small birds very far away and so is familiar with Sound
ID).  And,
with him getting the birds on Sound ID and then my searching for
visuals - I was
able to add about 30% more birds compared to my typical visits to the same
locations.  So that -IS- the part that I was "missing".
  "All" I have to do now is to add to my ability to hear the
calls/songs and -know-
what birds they are (probably).  I expect that to grow over time - yes, always
adding in the visual ID for any birds that I'm not familiar enough with their
sounds to say "that's a _____" before I even check Sound ID.

  Thanks again to all the suggestions for adding "birding by ear" to my game.

                                                                         - Jim

P.S. My personal assessment is that we are solidly in the Summer Doldrums
       here in the lower part of the Skagit Valley.  I've also been
adding a new
       birding location or two at the rate of about one a month.  I do that by
       looking at the checklists that others have submitted in the area and
       asking myself "where is this and why haven't I ever gone there?".  *G*
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