[Tweeters] How can I up my game ...

via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Tue Jul 2 09:13:03 PDT 2024

Hi all,

  So the single piece of advice I've received - so far - is to
increase my 'birding
by ear' skills. 

  ===> Thanks for that.

  My intent is to start using Sound ID (Merlin app) to help id more
birds while in
the field.  At this time I do not intend to take any of the
online/live courses - I
have tried those in the past and found, for the most part, I have not learned
much.  What actually happened is that I loved the course - but very
little of it
"stuck".  *Sigh*.
  What I'm hoping for is that the use of Sound ID - coupled with then also
finding the bird visually (when possible) will increase my ability to
ID by sound.
I don't expect this to be a "quick process" ... *G*.

                          - again - thanks for all your help ... Jim

P.S. Whenever I "reply" to a tweeters it always gives me two addressees - do I
        need/want to use both of them or is just one (either?) going
to do the job?
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