[Tweeters] Marymoor Park (Redmond, King Co.) 2022-11-10

Michael Hobbs birdmarymoor at gmail.com
Thu Nov 10 15:25:23 PST 2022

Tweets - It was 35 degrees and rather dark and overcast to start, but by
the end of the survey it was 45 degrees and mostly sunny. No precipitation
and no noticeable wind. So, very nice conditions. Birdy too.


- Northern Shoveler - Four in flyby, one more at the lake. First of
Fall (*FOF*)
- Scaup sp. - Six or eight at the lake, too far for identification
beyond Scaup
- Common Goldeneye - Flock flying north over Dog Meadow was at least 35
birds. At least one more at lake (*FOF*)
- Virginia Rail - Maybe three heard along the slough, one SEEN at Rowing
- Common Loon - One flyby loon, heading towards the lake. A late scan
of the lake showed a Common, probably the earlier bird
- SHORT-EARED OWL - Flew around the Viewing Mound at ~6:45 a.m., giving
us great looks. First of Year (*FOY*)
- Falcon sp. - One flew west over the south end of Dog Area. Size hard
to judge, but it flew more like a Peregrine than like a Merlin
- Varied Thrush - At least one heard, south end of Dog Area. Two seen
south of Mansion
- White-throated Sparrow - One with Zonos, NW corner of Dog Area
- Western Meadowlark - Two at north edge of Fields 7-8-9

Just before 7:00, the SHORT-EARED OWL was again seen, this time high over
the Viewing Mound trying to maintain a height advantage over a handful of
pursuing American Crows. It kept going higher and higher until finally the
last crow gave up, then it presumably then flew away.

No sign of the Harris's Sparrow or Northern Shrike seen earlier in the week.

For mammals, we did have AMERICAN BEAVER and several RIVER OTTER.

Misses today included Cackling Goose*, Western Grebe, Short-billed Gull,
Ring-billed Gull, Northern Shrike*, and Pine Siskin. *Starred birds were
seen earlier this week

For the day, 62 species

= Michael Hobbs
= www.marymoor.org/birding.htm
= BirdMarymoor at gmail.com
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