[pccgrads] PCC ACORN Project with the Trust for Public Land

UW Program on Climate Change: ACORN Projects pccacorn at uw.edu
Thu Apr 21 13:50:06 PDT 2022

Dear PCC,

*PCC ACORN Opportunity: Green Schoolyards with The Trust for Public Land*The
Program on Climate Change's Actionable Community-Oriented Research
eNgagement (ACORN) program is excited to share another opportunity for
graduate students and postdocs to collaborate with community leaders in
addressing community environmental priorities. The Trust for Public Land
(TPL)’s Green Schoolyard initiative seeks to transform blacktop playgrounds
into climate-friendly hubs for community engagement that provide important
environmental services. TPL has partnered with Metro Parks Tacoma to
identify neighborhoods in need of green space and rebuild 5 schoolyards by
January 2023.

ACORN has identified a project with TPL focused on the impact of schoolyard
transformations (description below). Please reply to pccacorn at uw.edu
by *Wednesday,
May 4,* if you are interested in working on this project, and include a
brief description of your background as it relates to the project. Let us
know if you have further questions!

*About ACORN*In addition to supporting community goals, ACORN projects
enable students to enrich their research experience, broaden their
networks, and apply quantitative, analytical, and communication skills
beyond the boundaries of their primary academic focus. ACORN projects
typically involve a time commitment of about 3 hours per week over the
course of a year for each graduate student or postdoc volunteer. Prior
experience related to the topic of each ACORN project is preferred, but not
required. Visit our website for more information on ACORN and current
ongoing projects!

*About the Project*Researchers at Seattle Children’s are looking for
individuals to assist with data collection for the Green Schoolyards
project supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Interdisciplinary
Research Leaders program (https://irleaders.org/team/team-tacoma-wa/). This
project aims to evaluate the impact of the Green Schoolyard transformation
on students’ physical activity levels and other outcomes.

Individuals would primarily assist the research team with data collection
before/after schoolyard transformation by observing schoolyards at
elementary schools around Tacoma, WA. Other project aspects can be
coordinated between the volunteers and the research team and might include
data analysis, report writing, and outreach.

ACORN Project Team
Program on Climate Change
University of Washington
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