[NNLM-Region5] NNLM Region 5 Weekly Digest - June 7, 2022

NNLM Region 5 nnlm at uw.edu
Tue Jun 7 07:57:39 PDT 2022

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Region 5 Weekly Digest - June 7, 2022
Your weekly roundup of news and announcements from the Network of the National Library of Medicine Region 5.
Region 5 includes Alaska, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, and U.S. Territories and Freely Associated States in the Pacific

Professional Development

NNLM Classes
Visit the NNLM website for a complete listing of scheduled NNLM educational opportunities<https://nnlm.gov/training/schedule>.
Missed a class? Many are recorded<https://nnlm.gov/training/recordings>.
Registration requires creating a free individual user account, learn how<https://news.nnlm.gov/region_5/consumer-health-minute-creating-an-nnlm-user-account/>.
NLM Office Hours: Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)<https://nnlm.gov/civicrm-event/619>, in this special NLM Office Hours co-hosted by the Massachusetts Health Sciences Library Network (MAHSLIN), Dan Cho from NLM's MeSH team will briefly describe how MeSH is developed and talk about the role of community input in MeSH development. Following this brief presentation, Elaine Alligood from MAHSLIN will moderate a Q&A and discussion. To submit questions in advance, please send them to NLMTrainers at nih.gov<mailto:NLMTrainers at nih.gov> with the subject line: "NLM Office Hours."
June 30 at 5:30 a.m. SST, 6:30 a.m. HST, 8:30 a.m. AKDT, 9:30 a.m. PDT, July 1 at 2:30 a.m. ChST
Community Discussion: Addressing the NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy<https://nnlm.gov/training/class/community-discussion-addressing-nih-data-management-and-sharing-policy>, July 20 at 6:00 a.m. SST, 7:00 a.m. HST, 9:00 a.m. AKDT, 10:00 a.m. PDT, July 21 at 3:00 a.m. ChST
New On-Demand Classes include the following:

* Assessing Health Materials: How to Use NLM's Health Education Materials Assessment Tool<https://nnlm.gov/training/class/assessing-health-materials-demand>, this is for those who create health education materials, choose health materials to provide to consumers, or anyone who wants to learn how to determine if health education materials are easy-to-read. This 2 CE class is on-demand through Moodle and can be used for CHIS Level 1 or 2.
* Grants & Proposal Writing<https://nnlm.gov/training/class/grants-and-proposal-writing-demand>, designed for beginning grant proposal writers interested in NNLM funding, this class presents a general overview of the grant and funding processes as well as the level of detail required in a successful proposal. This 2 CE class is on-demand through Moodle.
Additional learning opportunities
Break Free from Misinformation in an Escape Room<https://www.webjunction.org/events/webjunction/misinformation-escape-room.html>, register for this WebJunction webinar scheduled for June 14 at 8:00 a.m. SST, 9:00 a.m. HST, 11:00 a.m. AKDT, 12:00 p.m. PDT, June 15 at 5:00 a.m. ChST
What's new with NCBI Virus?<https://ncbiinsights.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2022/06/06/june-15-webinar-ncbi-virus/>, NCBI Virus is a community portal for viral sequence data that has been important in supporting SARS-CoV-2 research and management of the COVID-19 pandemic. Register for this NCBI webinar scheduled for June 15 at 5:00 a.m. SST, 6:00 a.m. HST, 8:00 a.m. AKDT, 9:00 a.m. PDT, June 16 at 2:00 a.m. ChST
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Research: Your Checklist for Success<https://meetmsk.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_UkCT1BpFTA2AqtN0VnQoDg>, register to attend these presentations which will focus on the differences between a systematic review and meta-analysis, Wiley's Cochrane Library and their gold standards for conducting a systematic review, and how meta-analysis can summarize and quantify the results pulled from identified studies. Session runs 90 minutes. June 16 at 5:00 a.m. SST, 6:00 a.m. HST, 8:00 a.m. AKDT, 9:00 a.m. PDT, June 17 at 2:00 a.m. ChST
Justice at Work in Public Libraries<https://learninglab.freedomlifted.com/courses/justice-at-work-public-libraries>, With this Freedom Lifted course, your library team can: take the course on your own schedule, at your own pace; learn frameworks that get to the heart of social justice; adopt a shared language you can use to talk openly and honestly with one another; and create plans of action to shift culture and develop practices that advance justice in your library. Individual and group registrations are available. Cost is $195 for individual.
NLM/AAHSL Leadership Fellows Program<https://www.aahsl.org/leadershipfellowsprogram>, The National Library of Medicine (NLM) and the Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries (AAHSL) is pleased to announce the opening of applications for the 2022/2023 fellowship. Deadline to apply is June 15. Register<https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/fellowsInfoSessions> to attend an informational webinar is June 8 at 7:00 a.m. SST, 8:00 a.m. HST, 10:00 a.m. AKDT, 11:00 a.m. PDT, June 9 at 4:00 a.m. ChST

News from the Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM)
Announcing June 2022 NNLM Reading Club: ACEs/PTSD/Trauma Recovery<https://news.nnlm.gov/region_5/announcing-june-2022-nnlm-reading-club-aces-ptsd-trauma-recovery/>

Region 5 Current Funding Opportunities
Note, first consideration for both of the following awards will be given to applications submitted by June 28 at 5:00 p.m. PT.
Data Engagement Awards<https://nnlm.gov/funding/rfa/data-engagement-award> to support engagement in data literacy, data science or data management.

* Minimum of 3 awards available
* Up to $25,000 each
* Questions? Email Nancy Shin nkshin1 at uw.edu<mailto:nkshin1 at uw.edu>
Outreach & Engagement Awards<https://nnlm.gov/funding/rfa/outreach-engagement-award> to improve health literacy and increase health equity through engagement and training for health information, digital literacy skills, and access to trusted health information in under-resourced communities. The award also supports the purchase of technology needed to advance connectivity.

* Minimum of 3 awards available
* Up to $25,000 each
* Questions? Email Michele Spatz mspatz at uw.edu<mailto:mspatz at uw.edu>
New to grant proposal writing or need a refresher? Take our free on-demand class, Grants & Proposal Writing<https://nnlm.gov/training/class/grants-and-proposal-writing-demand>.

News from the National Library of Medicine (NLM) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH)

>From the NLM Director's blog: We Can't Go It Alone!<https://nlmdirector.nlm.nih.gov/2022/06/01/we-cant-go-it-alone/>

Explore Complete Sequence of a Human Genome Through NLM's Open Access Resources and Tools<https://www.nlm.nih.gov/news/Explore_Complete_Sequence_of_a_Human_Genome_Through_NLM_Open_Access_Resources_and_Tools.html>

>From the NLM History of Medicine: Elementary Hygiene for the Tropics, 1902<https://circulatingnow.nlm.nih.gov/2022/06/02/elementary-hygiene-for-the-tropics-1902/>

>From the NIH Director's blog: Using AI to Advance Understanding of Long COVID Syndrome<https://directorsblog.nih.gov/2022/06/07/using-artificial-intelligence-to-advance-understanding-of-long-covid-syndrome/>

The June issue of NIH News in Health<https://newsinhealth.nih.gov/2022/06> is now available with articles for the public about understanding autoimmune diseases and water safety
Keep updated about COVID-19 treatment guidelines<https://www.covid19treatmentguidelines.nih.gov/about-the-guidelines/whats-new/> from NIH
The COPD Caregiver's Toolkit<https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/education/copd-learn-more-breathe-better/copd-caregivers-toolkit> provides information, advice, and tools from Learn More Breathe Better(r) and Respiratory Health Association to help care for someone with COPD, designed with and for caregivers like you.
June 14 is World Blood Donor Day, donate blood<https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/education/blood/donation> and make a lifesaving difference
Mark your calendars for upcoming events regarding Alzheimer's and Brain Awareness Month<https://www.nia.nih.gov/news/alzheimers-and-brain-awareness-month-twitter-chat-facebook-resources> Twitter Chat & Facebook information and resources
Listen to or read<https://www.niams.nih.gov/newsroom/spotlight-on-research/discussing-bone-muscle-skin-autoimmune-diseases-info-american> a conversation between Dr. David R. Wilson, director of the NIH Tribal Health Research Office, and Dr. Lindsey A. Criswell, director of NIAMS, about information and resources for American Indians and Alaska Natives related to bone, muscle, skin, and autoimmune diseases.
Learn how the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development is exploring men's reproductive health<https://www.nichd.nih.gov/health/topics/menshealth>
Resource Spotlight
Baby Formula Shortage Social Media Toolkit
HHS has developed multilingual infant formula resources and an Infant Formula Resources Multilingual Social Media Toolkit<https://www.hhs.gov/formula/social-media-toolkit/index.html>, to spread the word to communities affected by this shortage. The toolkit is available in English, Spanish, Haitian Creole, and Vietnamese. It includes graphics and sample social copy.
ORWH e-Learning Course Addressing Sex and Gender Offers CME Credits
The NIH Office of Research on Women's Health (ORWH) e-learning course, Bench to Bedside: Integrating Sex and Gender to Improve Health<https://orwh.od.nih.gov/in-the-spotlight/all-articles/orwh-e-learning-course-offers-continuing-medical-education-cme-credits>, offers up to six American Medical Association Physician Recognition Award (AMA PRA) Category 1 Credit.
Pride Month
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) Pride Month is currently celebrated each June to honor the 1969 Stonewall Uprising in Manhattan. The Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP<https://www.fdlp.gov/>) provides the following resources to celebrate and offer your communities.

* Pride guide<https://catalog.gpo.gov/F/?func=direct&doc_number=001118846&local_base=GPO01PUB>: an interactive workbook for exploring lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) history and places
* LGBTQ America<https://catalog.gpo.gov/F/?func=direct&doc_number=000998732&local_base=GPO01PUB>: a theme study of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer history
* Frequently asked questions from LGBTQ+ prospective foster and adoptive parents<https://catalog.gpo.gov/F/?func=direct&doc_number=001163970&local_base=GPO01PUB>
* Supporting LGBTQ+ youth<https://catalog.gpo.gov/F/?func=direct&doc_number=001168752&local_base=GPO01PUB>: a guide for foster parents
* LGBTQIA+ Community Guide<https://libguides.fdlp.gov/LGBTQIA>
Grey Literature
Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health's (CADTH) Grey Matters resource is a tool for locating different types of health-related grey literature sources. Grey Matters<https://greymatters.cadth.ca/> is now available through a searchable, and browsable online interface which provides many access options, including browse by categories, basic and advanced search, record selection, and offers ability to save or print selected results. This database allows for regular updates of the Grey Matters resource, making it a living document for the first time.
HHS Office of Environmental Justice
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is establishing an Office of Environmental Justice<https://www.hhs.gov/ash/oej/index.html> (OEJ) to better protect the health of disadvantaged communities and vulnerable populations on the frontlines of pollution and other environmental health issues. The new office will sit within the Office of Climate Change and Health Equity at HHS

Network of the National Library of Medicine, Region 5 (Alaska, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, and U.S. Territories and Freely Associated States in the Pacific)
University of Washington Health Sciences Library, Seattle, WA
https://nnlm.gov/ | nnlm at uw.edu<mailto:nnlm at uw.edu> | 206-543-8262

Region 5 Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/nnlmregion5>
Region 5 Twitter<https://twitter.com/nnlmregion5>
Region 5 Instagram<https://www.instagram.com/nnlmregion5/>
Region 5 LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/company/nnlmregion5>
Region 5 blog<https://news.nnlm.gov/region_5/>

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