[mi-announce] Domain controller demotions (aayla, barriss, luminara, rey) 11/28/2022 - 12/2/2022

Microsoft Infrastructure Service Announcements mi-announce at u.washington.edu
Thu Nov 17 09:33:47 PST 2022

What: aayla.netid.washington.edu, barriss.netid.washington.edu, luminara.netid.washington.edu, and rey.netid.washington.edu will be demoted and permanently taken out of service
When: The week of November 28, 2022
What you need to do:

If you have an application or code which relies on the NETID Active Directory domain, you may need to adjust its configuration. Known problems:

-If your application does not automatically use the Microsoft DC locator process, but instead hard-codes domain controller names or caches domain controller names for an inordinate period of time

More info:

All Windows computers use the Microsoft DC locator process. Non-Windows computers generally do not use this process. If your system does not automatically locate domain controllers, you may need to manually configure and/or take actions that clear any cached information.

If you have questions, concerns, or encounter problems as a result of this planned change, please contact us by sending email to help at uw.edu with "MI DC demotion" somewhere in the subject line.

Patrick Lavielle
Microsoft Infrastructure
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