From egov-list at Sat Jan 4 07:00:49 2025 From: egov-list at (ZIOZIAS CHRISTOS via eGov-list) Date: Sat Jan 4 15:44:49 2025 Subject: [EGOV LIST] dg.o 2025: TRACK 18. Smart Cities for Social Cohesion Message-ID: <> dg.o 2025: TRACK 18. Smart Cities for Social Cohesion Dear colleague, are you researching on topics such as smart city? inclusive city? coherence? people-centricity? sustainability? smart government/governance? smart city management? city and open/big data? urban innovation? ----------------------------- CALL FOR PAPERS - dg.o 2025: TRACK 18. Smart Cities for Social Cohesion ( | ? dg.o 2025: 26th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research Theme: Digital government fostering social cohesion for reducing inequalities Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul Porto Alegre City, Brazil June 09-12, 2025 ? and X handle: #dgo2025 ? The Digital Government Society (DGS) announces the 26th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research ? dg.o 2025, under the theme Digital government fostering social cohesion for reducing inequalities. The dg.o 2025 will be hosted by the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre City, Brazil, June 9-12, 2025. The dg.o conferences are an established forum for presentation, discussion, and demonstration of interdisciplinary research on digital government, civic engagement, technology innovation, and related applications and practice. Each year, the conference brings together scholars recognized for the interdisciplinary and innovative nature of their work, their contributions to theory and practice, their focus on relevant and timely topics, and the quality of their research and writing. ? TRACK 18. Smart Cities for Social Cohesion Track chairs: Leonidas Anthopoulos, University of Thessaly, Greece Soon Ae Chun, City University of New York In the era of cities and under the UN 2030 Agenda for sustainable growth, cities aim to secure social sustainability and coherence (e.g., deal with affordable energy, poverty, hunger, equal opportunities in education, jobs, and health, etc.) and enhance their performance to become friendlier and able to host their increasing populations. Additionally, new types of business appear, while the co-existence of autonomous things and people generate another challenge that cities have started phasing. Smart Cities are enablers for smart growth, social coherence, and industrial transformation of cities by adopting cutting edge technologies (i.e., IoT, AI, Blockchain etc.). The goals of smart cities are to generate opportunities that engage, upskill and enhance equity in their communities. This track invites research and practices in smart cities that describes smart cities development strategies, policy models, citizen engagement, and technology innovations. This year?s theme calls for research and practices on the Smart and Inclusive Cities which emphasize on participation, access to technology and the ability of citizens and the community to keep on functioning and prospering despite the challenges that can face (i.e., inequity, poverty, violence, environmental threats etc.). ? IMPORTANT DATES - January 24, 2025: Papers due - March 26, 2025: Notifications of acceptance - April 14, 2025: Camera-ready manuscripts due - April 18, 2025: Early registration closes! ? SUBMISSION TYPES AND FORMATS Submissions need to follow the guidelines established for the dg.o conference. Detailed instruction and ACM conference proceedings template are available on the conference website under "submission guidelines". ? Submission Site: From egov-list at Sun Jan 5 03:25:18 2025 From: egov-list at (alois paulin via eGov-list) Date: Mon Jan 6 13:02:47 2025 Subject: [EGOV LIST] last call: Beyond Bureaucracy @ dg.o 2025 - Porto Alegre, Brazil Message-ID: Dear colleague, are you researching on topics such as Liquid Democracy? e-Anarchy? Non-Bureaucracy Government?, or other PROGRESSIVE e-Gov / e-Dem topics? ////////////////// DG.O 2025 BEYOND BUREAUCRACY TRACK: The DG.O 2025 Conference seeks submissions for the Beyond Bureaucracy track, which aims to outline and discuss challenges along the boundaries of society, technology, and governance, which reach beyond established e-governance and e-democracy research paths and priorities. Where well-established e-government / e-governance research ambitions focus on providing and/or studying technology that supports the work and mission of government agencies and governmental agents (incremental innovation), Beyond Bureaucracy addresses the question how radical technological innovation transforms the power of citizens and the conceptual sovereign body to actively control (rather than passively observe and follow) government agencies and governmental agents. The Beyond Bureaucracy track invites contributions that discuss pending technological (design science) challenges, promotes the economic potentials of disruptive new technological ecosystems, and serves as a platform for pro/con deliberations on Beyond Bureaucracy thought and knowledge. Track Chairs: * Alois Paulin, HVF Ludwigsburg, Germany * Robert M?ller-T?r?k, HVF Ludwigsburg, Germany * Zach Bastick, Harvard (US) & University of Oxford (UK) * ////////////////// CONF INFO * Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre City, Brazil * June 9-12, 2025 (Mon ? Thu) * Submissions at * Deadline: Jan 24, 2025 ////////////////// GUIDING CHALLENGES: * Can dislocated (potentially very large) groups of people make decisions about common assets or common matters, which do not need to be interpreted by institutions? * Is it unavoidable to delegate decision-making to institutions (like parliaments, government agencies, ...)? * How can a society self-organize its common budget (taxes etc.)? * Are institutions to collect, govern, and redistribute public assets absolutely necessary or can exaction be done self-organized? * Can core public-domain institutions be realized without central institutions? * How can a society dynamically self-organize its public sector institutions / projects / programmes and bind them directly to collaborative decision making? * What are the challenges of the electronic identity? How can we overcome them to reach a system that will provide sustainable global identification for centuries to come? * Increased computerization of societal interactions comes with significant computing challenges. Can these be sufficiently addressed with classical computing approaches? * What would be the architecture and organization of such a government? ////////////////// RECOMMENDED TOPICS: * e-Anarchy * Participatory Budgeting & Bottom-Up Excise * Non-Bureaucratic Government * Governance Informatization * Disruptive Models of Societal Governance * Liquid Democratic Collaborative Decision-Making * Crowd-Sourced Taxation, Quantum Budget * Ethics of new Governance models * Historical Lessons of Self-Organization * Ethical concerns in technology application * Bureaucratic Morality * The philosophy of technology * Peer Production, Self-Organized Virtual Communities * Hopes & Limits of E-Democracy * Pro/Contra discussions on above topics * Technologies that enable above topics ////////////////// RECOMMENDED LITERATURE: * A. Paulin. Smart City Governance. Elsevier, 2018. * A. Paulin, L. Anthopoulos, and C. G. Reddick, Eds., Beyond Bureaucracy: Towards Sustainable Governance Informatisation, vol. 25. Springer, 2017. * Paulin, Alois. ?Ten years of liquid democracy research: An overview?. Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Days 338 (16. Juli 2020): 455?66. * Blum, Christian, und Christina Isabel Zuber. ?Liquid Democracy: Potentials, Problems, and Perspectives: Liquid Democracy?. Journal of Political Philosophy 24, Nr. 2 (Juni 2016): 162?82. * Valsangiacomo, Chiara. ?Clarifying and Defining the Concept of Liquid Democracy?. Swiss Political Science Review, 25. Oktober 2021, spsr.12486. * Z. Bastick, ?Digital Limits of Government: The Failure of E-Democracy?, in Beyond Bureaucracy, vol. 25, A. A. Paulin, L. G. Anthopoulos, and C. G. Reddick, Eds. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp. 3?14. * F. Bannister, ?In Defence of Bureaucracy: Governance and Public Values in a Digital Age?, in Beyond Bureaucracy, vol. 25, A. A. Paulin, L. G. Anthopoulos, and C. G. Reddick, Eds. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017, pp. 27?47. * C. Velikanov and A. Prosser, ?Mass online deliberation within participatory policy-making?, in Beyond Bureaucracy, vol. 25, A. Paulin, L. Anthopoulos, and C. G. Reddick, Eds. Springer, 2017. * A. Downs, Inside bureaucracy. Boston, Mass.: Little, Brown, 1967. * L. Lessig, Code 2.0. New York: Basic Books, 2006. * E. S. Raymond, The Cathedral & the Bazaar: Musings on Linux and Open Source by an Accidental Revolutionary. O?Reilly Media, 1999. * Franssen, Maarten, Gert-Jan Lokhorst, and Ibo Van de Poel. Philosophy of technology. 2009 - - - - - - - - - - - - Prof. Dr. Alois PAULIN Professor of Digital Innovation and Transformation in Public Administration University of Public Administration and Finance Ludwigsburg Reuteallee 36, 71634 Ludwigsburg Germany From egov-list at Mon Jan 6 08:52:00 2025 From: egov-list at (Ioannis Nikolaou via eGov-list) Date: Mon Jan 6 13:02:47 2025 Subject: [EGOV LIST] =?utf-8?q?CfP_WebAndTheCity=3A_11th_International_Sma?= =?utf-8?q?rt_City_Workshop_=E2=80=93_Responsible_Smart_Cities?= Message-ID: (Apologies for cross-posts) ----------------------------- CALL FOR PAPERS ? DEADLINE EXTENSION WebAndTheCity: 11th International Smart City Workshop ? The Responsible Web and AI for Smart Cities In conjunction with The Web Conference (WWW?25): 35th World Wide Web International Conference, Sydney, April 28 - May 2, 2025 Important Dates ? Submissions due: Feb 02, 2025 (23:59 Anywhere on Earth (AoE) time zone) ? Notification of Acceptance: Feb. 14, 2025 ? Camera-ready version due: Feb. 28, 2025 ? Workshop authors? early registration: March 31, 2025 ? Workshop day: April 28, 2025 Workshop Objective This is the 11th edition of the workshop series with the label ?Web Applications and Smart Cities? (previous name: AW4City), which started in Florence in 2015 and kept on taking place every year in conjunction with the WWW conference series. Last year the workshop was held in Singapore, in conjunction with ?The Web Conference 2024?. The workshop series aim to investigate the role of the Web and of Web applications in smart city growth. This year, the workshop focuses on the Responsible web and Responsible AI in cities and communities. In the era of digital twinning, AI, augmented reality, and the metaverse (so-called citiverse for cities), and under the UN 2030 Agenda for sustainable growth and resilience, cities are being transformed into virtual spaces that enable service automation and value generation to their communities and enterprises. Moreover, AI and web intelligence generate new types of automated transactions in these virtual spaces, while they can utilize data spaces and standardization for optimal data flow. Ethical issues are raised by questions like what happens to property in virtual space? Who can decide to allow you to enter or leave these spaces? Who is responsible for safety and security in virtual space? Automation must preserve human-perceived consequences, fairness, accountability, transparency, and ethics. This workshop aims to focus on how the Web transforms cities into responsibly intelligent virtual environments. Theoretical concepts, empirical evidence and selected case studies from leading scholars and practitioners in the field showing the ?big picture? of smart cities and urban areas will be examined in this workshop. WebAndTheCity is timely since SC?s are being transformed into digital ecosystems, where data flows, digital twinning and metaverse create local dataspaces and virtual worlds that generate new types of value, digital experiences, and transactions. Communities can utilize this new form of SC for its prosperity (i.e., new types of business, new digital products and services, AI-based service automation etc.), economic growth and living. We target researchers from industry, academia, and government to join forces in this exciting area. We intend to discuss the recent and significant developments in the general areas of SC and the WWW dynamics and to promote cross-fertilization of techniques. To address the above-mentioned aspects, we solicit the following topics (but not limited to): ? Highlight responsible intelligence viewpoints in cities and communities ? Meet the intelligence and metaverse expectations for cities (human centricity and protection, new value creation, immersive experiences for users etc.) ? Explore city digital twinning ? Enhance community living with the web (services, Apps and intelligence); ? Apps and services that support community engagement in governance, circularity, climate change adaptation, mobility, sharing, crowd-sourcing etc.; ? Smart City platforms (e.g. consultation; openness; parking; traffic management; environment etc.); ? Smart and Self evolving services (e.g. self-threat analysis; self-responsive government services etc.); ? Practices of Web applications, Apps and AI in smart cities; ? Theoretical foundations on Smart City applications and standards; ? Creative partnerships, creative industries and industry 4.0 in Smart City with a focus on application development and AI (Internet Economics and Monetization); ? Pervasive Web for Smart City emerging topics (i.e., user behavior analytics, energy, water, waste, transportation etc.) ? The role of city stakeholders for smart city applications development and standardization (i.e., promotion push, start-ups, open data); ? Web Infrastructure and AI service standardization; ? The role of standards on smart city data mining; ? Smart city information quality and evolution in social content; ? Ensuring security and privacy in Smart Environment: the role of web applications and Apps. Submission We welcome full research papers, research in progress, and discussion papers. Full papers should be up to 12 pages long (maximum 8 pages for the main paper content + maximum 2 pages for appendixes + maximum 2 pages for references). Discussion papers may be short (up to 6 pages) but should clearly and distinctly address one or more issues pertinent to Smart City research including research methods and quality as well as focus of studies. Papers should be designed to support in-depth discussions of one of these issues during the workshop. Although it is a half-day event, the workshop papers will be clustered, and each session will discuss a small set of papers focusing on similar or related issues. Accepted refereed papers, must be presented at the conference by an author who is registered to attend. Please be aware that The Web Conference's organizers will require at least one registration per paper published in either the main Proceedings or in the Companion volume. At the time of submission of the final camera-ready copy, authors will have to indicate the already registered person for that publication. We strongly encourage at least one author of every paper to register by the early-bird deadline so that session chairs can make plans for its presentation. Please submit your papers via the Easychair ( Details of the program will be made available online. Although it is a half-day event, the workshop papers will be clustered, and each session will discuss a small set of papers focusing on similar or related issues. Submission Guidelines The accepted papers will be included in the companion volume of The Web Conference's proceedings, which will be published by ACM and included in the ACM Digital Library. All submitted papers must be: ? written in English ? contain author names, affiliations, and email addresses ? be formatted according to the ACM SIG Proceedings template ( ? be in PDF (make sure that the PDF can be viewed on any platform) and formatted for US Letter size. Files in Postscript (ps) or any other format will not be accepted. Authors should submit a .doc/.docx too to the workshop?s chairs. Occupy no more than 12 pages (maximum 8 pages for the main paper content + maximum 2 pages for appendixes + maximum 2 pages for references) It is the author?s responsibility to ensure that their submissions adhere strictly to the required format. Submissions that do not comply with the above guidelines may be rejected without review. All submissions must be entered into the reviewing system, and they will follow a blind peer-review process by the workshop co-chairs and at least one external reviewer. More details regarding WWW2025 conference can be found on Extended versions of accepted articles are possible to be selected and included in a special issue with relevant theme of International Journal of Electronic Government Research (IJEGR), ACM DGov or others. Accepted refereed papers, must be presented at the conference by an author who is registered to attend. Please be aware that the WWW organizers will require at least one registration per paper published in either the main Proceedings or in the Companion volume. At the time of submission of the final camera-ready copy, authors will have to indicate the already registered person for that publication. We strongly encourage at least one author of every paper to register by the early-bird deadline so that session chairs can make plans for its presentation. Please submit your papers via Easychair ( Details of the program will be made available online. For any questions, please contact the Workshop chairs: ? Leonidas ANTHOPOULOS, Professor, University of Thessaly, Greece, ? Marijn JANSSEN, Professor, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, ? Vishanth WEERAKKODY, Professor, University of Bradford, United Kingdom, Program Committee Members (tentative) ? Toru Ishida, Department of Social Informatics, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong ? Soon Ae Choon, Professor, City of University of New York, U.S.A. ? Carl Erik Moe, Professor, University of Agder, Norway ? Sofia Toufic Shwayri, Independent Scholar, U.S.A. ? Nicolas Douay, MCF Paris 7 / UMR G?ographie-Cit?s / LabEx DynamiTe ? Beth Coleman, University of Waterloo, Director of City as Platform ? Markus Rittenbruch, Queensland University of Technology, Australia ? Alois Paulin, HVF Ludwigsburg, Germany ? Zohreh Pourzolfaghar, Maynooth University, Ireland ? Kristina Lemmer, University of Lunenburg, Germany From egov-list at Wed Jan 8 23:17:15 2025 From: egov-list at (Fadi Salem via eGov-list) Date: Thu Jan 9 04:04:32 2025 Subject: [EGOV LIST] Generative Artificial Intelligence in Government - Final Call for Papers (dg.o 2025 - Track 11) Message-ID: Are you exploring the implications of Generative AI for governments and policymaking? Final call to submit your paper to the "Generative AI in Government" track (TRACK 11) in the Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (DG.o 2025) [*Papers Due: January 24, 2025*] *Call for Papers* *Generative Artificial Intelligence in Government* *Track 11 of dg.o 2025: The 26th Annual International* *Conference on Digital Government Research* *Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul* *Porto Alegre City, Brazil* *June 9-12, 2025* * * *Submissions: * *Papers Due: January 24, 2025* *Travel Grants available for researchers from **medium and low HDI countries **(details below)* The rapid rise of Generative AI (GAI) across government ecosystems calls for deeper examination by the global digital government research community. It is our pleasure to chair (Fadi Salem, Theresa Pardo and Gianluca Misuraca) a research track focusing on the Generative Artificial Intelligence for Government (Track 11), in the 26th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (DG.o 2025). We invite you to submit pioneering research papers, specifically focused on GAI. The DG.o 2025 will take place on 9 ? 12 June 2025 in Porto Alegre, Brazil. More info on the conference website: We are looking for papers that critically examine the adoption and impact of Generative AI in government functions, policies, and public engagement in three pillars: 1) Generative AI?s Potential Beneficial Use Cases for Government 2) Generative AI's Risks and Threats for Public Governance 3) Global Governance of Generative AI Suggested paper themes sought for this track include (among others): 1. Demystifying GAI in Public Governance: Map and conceptualize the operational mechanics of GAI in public governance, its applications, and its impact on government operations, policy, and service delivery. 2. Generative AI in Public Services: Explore the implications of utilizing GAI in public service delivery and citizen-centric interactions through autonomous agents. 3. Policy and Regulation: Examine the emerging policy ecosystem for GAI and assess the robustness of standards and regulations to ensure the responsible use of GAI in governmental settings. 4. Data Governance and GAI Ecosystems: Explore questions related to data governance within GAI ecosystems across government contexts. 5. Practical Applications of GAI in Government: Present case studies of GAI implementation in government settings including analysis of the successes and failures of those implementations and lessons learned. 6. GAI and Citizen-Government Interaction: Assess the role of GAI in facilitating electronic participation, citizen engagement, transparency, and participation in governance. 7. Ethical and Regulatory Considerations: Evaluate the potential risks, ethical concerns, and regulatory implications of using GAI in government. 8. Readiness and Capacity Building in Government: Examine the need for and challenges to building new understanding about the use, development, deployment and management of GAI. 9. Public Trust and Security: Explore GAI?s emerging implications for data privacy, cybersecurity, and public trust. *SUBMIT YOUR PAPER HERE: * *Papers Due: January 24, 2025* Track chairs: - Fadi Salem (MBR School of Government, UAE) - Theresa A. Pardo (University at Albany, SUNY, USA) - Gianluca Misuraca (Universidad Polit?cnica de Madrid, Spain) *Important Note: Travel grants are available for **researchers (PhD students and faculty) from medium and low HDI countries (adjusted for inequality). Grants may be used for travel and accommodation. In addition, awardees will have their conference registration fee, which includes participation in all sessions and all meals, waived.* Looking forward to receiving your original contributions and seeing you in Brazil at DG.o2025! *Fadi Salem* *Director of Policy Research Department* Senior Fellow of Digital Governance and Technology Policy MBR School of Government (formerly Dubai School of Government)*|* * * From egov-list at Fri Jan 10 12:16:35 2025 From: egov-list at (=?utf-8?Q?Manuel_Pedro_Rodr=C3=ADguez_Bol=C3=ADvar?= via eGov-list) Date: Sat Jan 11 08:03:46 2025 Subject: [EGOV LIST] CALL FOR PAPERS: TRACK 21. Sustainable and Open Data Ecosystems for inclusive and innovative Digital Government [26th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research - DG.o 2025] Message-ID: <> Dear all, Are you examining exploring Sustainable and Open Data Ecosystems?. Final call to submit your paper to the ?Sustainable and Open Data Ecosystems for inclusive and innovative Digital Government" track (TRACK 21) in the Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (DG.o 2025) [Papers Due: January 24, 2025] Call for Papers Generative Artificial Intelligence in Government Track 11 of dg.o 2025: The 26th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul Porto Alegre City, Brazil June 9-12, 2025 Submission information: Public and open data ecosystems promise the transformation of government data-driven actions, the fostering of public sector innovations and the collaborative smartification of cities, society and life, triggering value-adding sustainable development goals-compliant smart living and society 5.0. New research is needed to help public managers and politicians for (1) implementing emerging technologies and technological innovations, (2) improving the achievement of sustainable development goals for increasing transparency, participation, and cooperation, and (3) meeting the stakeholders? expectations, needs, regulations and demands. This track welcomes contributions covering, but not limited to: The concepts of theoretical approaches toward Public Data ecosystems, Open Data ecosystems, Data Spaces, and Data Marketplaces; Infrastructures supporting Public and Open Data Ecosystems; The role of emerging technologies in Public and Open Data ecosystems (incl. but not limited to AI, Generative AI, LLM, NLP, cloud computing, green computing, Metaverse etc.); Data architectures and data governance mechanisms; Institutional aspects of implementing sustainable Public and Open Data Ecosystems; Other sustainability dimensions of Public and Open Data Ecosystems; Stakeholder-centric dimensions of Public and Open Data Ecosystems; Human-Computer Interaction between users and systems (platforms); Case studies of Public and Open Data Ecosystems, incl. but not limited to Local Government Level Data Ecosystems, e.g., Smart Cities Data Ecosystems; The impact of Public and Open Data Ecosystems on Individuals, Organizations and Society. SUBMIT YOUR PAPER HERE: Papers Due: January 24, 2025 Track chairs: Anastasija Nikiforova (University of Tartu, Estonia), Anthony Simonofski (Universit? de Namur ASBL, Belgium), Anneke Zuiderwijk (Delft University, The Netherlands), Manuel Pedro Rodr?guez Bol?var (University of Granada, Spain) Looking forward to receiving your original contributions and seeing you in Brazil at DG.o2025! -- Manuel Pedro Rodr?guez Bol?var Full Professor of Accounting University of Granada Department of Accounting and Finance, Faculty of Business Studies, C/ Campus Universitario de Cartuja, s/n | 18071, Granada (Spain) Phone No. +34958242881 fax +34958246249 | email: ================================================================================================================== Este mensaje se dirige exclusivamente a su destinatario y puede contener informaci?n privilegiada o confidencial. Si no es Ud. el destinatario indicado, queda notificado de que la utilizaci?n, divulgaci?n o copia sin autorizaci?n est? prohibida en virtud de la legislaci?n vigente. Si ha recibido este mensaje por error, se ruega lo comunique inmediatamente por esta misma v?a y proceda a su destrucci?n. This message is intended exclusively for its addressee and may contain information that is CONFIDENTIAL and protected by professional privilege. If you are not the intended recipient you are hereby notified that any dissemination, copy or disclosure of this communication is strictly prohibited by law. If this message has been received in error, please immediately notify us via e-mail and delete it. ================================================================================================================== From egov-list at Thu Jan 16 08:12:44 2025 From: egov-list at (Maria A. Wimmer via eGov-list) Date: Thu Jan 16 09:41:27 2025 Subject: [EGOV LIST] Call for Papers I EGOV2025 (Krems Austria, Aug 31 - Sep 4 2025) - Managing E-Government Projects Track Message-ID: <> *Call for papers: EGOV2025 - Managing E-Government Projects Track* *EGOV2025 ? IFIP EGOV-CeDEM-EPART 2025* *31 August - 4?September?2025* University for Continuing Education Krems,?Austria EGOV2025 is a scientific conference dedicated to the broader areas of e-Government, e-Democracy, and e-Participation which include facets like Digital Government, Open Government, Smart Government, AI Governance, GovTech, Algorithmic Governance, and other topics related to digitalization in the public sector. We are delighted to invite you to submit your latest research to the Managing E-Government Projects track at EGOV2025. This track focuses explicitly on the internal challenges and key factors influencing the implementation and management of e-government projects, e.g., organizational change management, participatory design methods, strategic stakeholder management, and innovative project organization. Authors are encouraged to contemplate various aspects of managing the digital transformation process. Areas of focus and interest include but are not limited to the following topics: * Internal organizational change and strategic realignment within public organizations * Critical factors influencing the organizational adoption and integration of new technological advancements in e-government projects in public administrations * Leadership competences within public administrations to strategically drive the transformation * Innovative approaches to e-government project management * The necessity of participative and co-creative stakeholder engagement in organizational change processes driven by technology innovations * Assessment and advancement of internal E-Government maturity models * ICT-driven organizational transformation and innovation * Developing dynamic capabilities tailored to the needs of public sector organizations * Sustainable transformation through effective knowledge management practices * Theory driven approaches to strengthen e-government project management in public administrations from private sector counterparts * Enhancing operational and managerial competencies within the workforce for successful digital transformation and e-government project implementation * Risks affiliated with the dependency on external competencies to successfully lead internal digital transformation in public administrations *Important Dates* Paper submissions: * Deadline for submissions (anonymous, in template): 17 March 2025 * Notification of acceptance: 2 May 2025 * Camera-ready paper submission and author registration: 12 June 2025 Access the detailed CFP (submission guidelines etc.) at: We look forward to receiving your valuable contributions and hope to welcome you to Krems, Austria! Kind regards, The track co-chairs: Vera Spitzer, Michael Koddebusch, Ulrik B.U. R?hl, and Maria A. Wimmer From egov-list at Fri Jan 17 01:16:17 2025 From: egov-list at (Marijn Janssen via eGov-list) Date: Fri Jan 17 04:50:49 2025 Subject: [EGOV LIST] =?windows-1252?q?Call_for_Papers_EGOV2025_=96_e-Gover?= =?windows-1252?q?nment=2C_e-Democracy=2C_and_e-Participation?= In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> <> Message-ID: EGOV2025 ? e-Government, e-Democracy, and e-Participation August 31 ? September 4, 2025 University for Continuing Education Krems, Austria CALL FOR PAPERS EGOV2025 is a scientific conference dedicated to the broader areas of e-Government, e-Democracy, and e-Participation which include facets like Digital Government, Open Government, Smart Government, AI Governance, GovTech, Algorithmic Governance, and other topics related to digitalization in the public sector. Several types of submissions are possible, including completed research, ongoing research, reflections & viewpoints, posters, panels, and workshops. These submission types follow different review processes and have different publication outlets. We welcome interdisciplinary approaches to the conference topics and a variety of research approaches (conceptual, case study, survey, mixed or other suitable methods). Conference sessions will be hosted 2-4 September in Krems, Austria, by the University for Continuing Education Krems. As part of the conference, we host a PhD colloquium and a Junior Faculty School. The PhD Colloquium is a full day event on 31 August, open only for those who are admitted and offers a limited number of PhD bursaries. The Junior Faculty School is a full day event on 1 September, for sharing experiences to advance the career of young researchers interested in digitalization and government (see conference website for more information). EGOV2025 ? also called EGOV-CeDEM-ePART ? represents the merge of the IFIP WG 8.5 Electronic Government (EGOV), the IFIP WG 8.5 IFIP Electronic Participation (ePart) and the Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government Conference (CeDEM). The conference is organized by the IFIP 8.5 Working group on Information Systems in Public Administration (IFIP WG 8.5) and the Digital Government Society (DGS). The aim of WG 8.5 is to improve the quality of e-government information systems at international, national, regional and local levels. The emphasis is on interdisciplinary approaches for researching information systems in public administration. DGS is a global, multi-disciplinary organization of scholars and practitioners interested in the development and impacts of digital government. CONFERENCE VENUE The EGOV 2025 conference is hosted by the University for Continuing Education Krems: CONTACT Email: egov2025 (at) Website: Submission website: IMPORTANT DATES Paper submissions: * Deadline for submissions (anonymous, in template): 17 March 2025 * Notification of acceptance: 2 May 2025 * Camera-ready paper submission and author registration: 12 June 2025 Workshops and posters submissions: * Workshop and poster submission deadline: 15 May 2025 * Notification of acceptance: 2 June 2025 PhD colloquium application: * PhD Colloquium deadline for submissions: May 2, 2025 * PhD Colloquium notification of acceptance: June 2, 2025 * PhD Colloquium revised version: July 31, 2025 Junior Faculty School application: * Junior Faculty School deadline for application: 3 June, 2025 * Junior Faculty School date of acceptance: 15 June, 2025 Conference dates: * PhD Colloquium: 31 August 2025 * Junior Faculty School: 1 September 2025 * Conference Sessions: 2-4 September 2025 CONFERENCE CHAIRS * Ida Lindgren, Link?ping University, Sweden * Peter Parycek, University for Continuing Education, Austria * Lieselot Danneels, Ghent University, Belgium * Roel Dobbe, Technical University of Delft, The Netherlands * Sara Hofmann, University of Agder, Norway * Euripidis Loukis, University of Aegean, Greece * Francesco Mureddu, The Lisbon Council, Belgium * Anna-Sophie Novak, University for Continuing Education Krems, Austria * Panos Panagiotopoulos, Queen Mary University of London, UK * Manuel Pedro Rodr?guez Bol?var, University of Granada, Spain * Gerhard Schwabe, University of Zurich, Switzerland * Anthony Simonofski, University of Namur, Belgium * Vera Spitzer, University Koblenz, Germany * Jolien Ubacht, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands * Gabriela Viale Pereira, University for Continuing Education, Austria * Anneke Zuiderwijk, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands TRACKS AT EGOV2025 General eGovernment & Open Government Track: covers all eGovernment-related topics except for the special-topics tracks. * Ida Lindgren (lead), Link?ping University, Sweden * Gabriela Viale Pereira, University for Continuing Education, Austria * Marijn Janssen, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands General eDemocracy & eParticipation Track: covers all eParticipation-related topics except for the special-topic tracks. This track aims to present the best of recent developments in electronic participation and electronic democracy as they cover a wide range of technical, political and social areas. * Sara Hofmann (lead), University of Agder, Norway * Noella Edelmann, University for Continuing Education Krems, Austria * David Duenas-Cid, Kozminski University, Poland * Marius Rohde Johannessen, University of South-Eastern Norway Digital Technologies & Sustainability Development Track: focuses on research related to sustainability goals. * Jolien Ubacht (lead), Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands * Iryna Susha, Utrecht University, The Netherlands * Gianluca Misuraca, Universidad Polit?cnica de Madrid, Spain * Ren? Reich, KU Leuven, Belgium Digital Society Track: focuses on citizen-centric governance in the public sector, including digital ecosystems, digital skills and education, digital public health, digital sovereignty, as well as digital society, culture, and democracy. * Lieselot Danneels (lead), Ghent University, Belgium * Thomas Lampoltshammer, University for Continuing Education Krems, Austria * Leif Sundberg, Mid Sweden University, Sweden Emerging Issues and Innovations Track: focuses on innovation and emerging applications driven by technologies and institutional changes at all levels of government, e.g., metaverse, decentralized autonomous organizations, smart contracts, blockchain and quantum computing. * Francesco Mureddu (lead), The Lisbon Council, Belgium * A. Paula Rodriguez M?ller, Joint Research Centre, European Commission, Spain * Anastasija Nikiforova, Tartu University, Estonia AI, Data Analytics, & Automated Decision Making Track: focuses on adoption, use, and impacts of various data analytics and AI methods ranging from visualisations and descriptive statistical analyses to machine learning and other AI methods in the public sector. * Euripidis Loukis (lead), University of Aegean, Greece * Evangelos Kalampokis, University of Macedonia, Greece * Habin Lee, Brunel University London, United Kingdom AI Governance and its Societal Challenges Track: focuses on the understanding of the impact of AI on society and the role of the public sector in influencing related changes, as well as the regulation and global governance of AI itself. * Roel Dobbe (lead), Technical University of Delft, The Netherlands * Csaba Cs?ki, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary * Gregor Eibl, University for Continuing Education Krems, Austria Smart Cities (Government, Districts, Communities & Regions) Track: covers all aspects of smart cities and smart governance, including frameworks, policies, and the use of technology. * Manuel Pedro Rodr?guez Bol?var (lead), University of Granada, Spain * Shefali Virkar, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria * Joep Crompvoets, KU Leuven, Belgium Open Data: Social and Technical Aspects Track: focuses on open government data, public big data sharing and use, data for improving public value including transparency, as well as data analytics capitalizing on Linked Open Data and other technologies. * Anneke Zuiderwijk (lead), Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands * J. Ramon Gil-Garcia, University at Albany, State University of New York, USA * Efthimios Tambouris, University of Macedonia, Greece Governance, Digital Legislation, and Policy Track: focuses on digital governance, digital legislation, regulatory reforms, and policies that shape our increasingly interconnected world, e.g., digital sovereignty, data ownership, digitization projects within government administrations, and the legal challenges that emerge. * Anna-Sophie Novak (lead), University for Continuing Education Krems, Austria * Peter Parycek, Fraunhofer Fokus, Germany * Edimara Mezzomo Luciano, Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS) Managing E-Government Projects Track: This track focuses explicitly on the internal challenges and key factors influencing the implementation and management of e-government projects, e.g., organizational change management, participatory design methods, strategic stakeholder management, and innovative project organization. * Vera Spitzer (lead), University Koblenz, Germany * Michael Koddebusch, ERCIS, University M?nster, Germany * Ulrik Bisgaard Ulsrod R?hl, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark * Maria A. Wimmer, University Koblenz, Germany Practitioners - Researchers Collaboration Track: This is a track entirely devoted to presenting future or ongoing initiatives to foster collaboration between practitioners and researchers in eGovernment. * Anthony Simonofski (lead), University of Namur, Belgium * Ulf Melin, Link?ping University, Sweden * Lucy Temple, University for Continuing Education Krems, Austria PhD Colloquium: The overall aim of the PhD colloquium is to connect PhD students to the eGovernment, eDemocracy, and eParticipation research community. During the colloquium, you will meet other PhD students, younger researchers that have just finished their PhDs, and more experienced scholars. Submitted proposals will not be published. Application is required (see conference website). * Gabriela Viale Pereira (lead), University for Continuing Education Krems, Austria * Ramon Gil-Garcia, University at Albany, USA Junior Faculty School: The overall aim of the Junior Faculty School is to exchange experiences and build connections between young and experienced scholars interested in digitalization in the public sector. The activity is directed towards PhD students, postdoctoral-, and young researchers who are registered for the full conference. Application is required (see conference website). * Gabriela Viale Pereira (lead), University for Continuing Education Krems, Austria * Ramon Gil-Garcia, University at Albany, USA * Ida Lindgren, Link?ping University, Sweden Workshops and Poster Session: You can apply for organizing a 90 minutes workshop during the conference. We will also organize a poster session during the conference. Workshops and posters on all topics of the tracks above are welcome. Workshop and poster abstracts need to be submitted for consideration. * Panos Panagiotopoulos, Queen Mary University of London, UK TYPES OF PUBLICATIONS By making a submission to the EGOV2025 conference you agree that your paper will not be submitted elsewhere and if accepted that the conference fee will be paid and the consent to publish will be signed. All papers will undergo a rigorous double-blind reviewing process and the submission should not include author identifiers. Please note that all accepted submissions to the EGOV2025 conference will be screened for possible plagiarism. Accepted Full Research papers (max. 16 pages) will be published in the Springer LNCS IFIP EGOV or IFIP EPART proceedings. The EGOV proceeding?s covers the general e-Government & Open Government, Emerging Issues and Innovations, Smart Cities, AI, Data Analytics and Automated Decision Making, and Open Data tracks, whereas the EPART proceedings will cover the general E-Democracy & e-Participation, ICT & Sustainable development goals, Legal Informatics, and Digital Society tracks. The Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) is a series of computer science books published by Springer Science+Business Media (formerly Springer-Verlag) since 1973. The LNCS proceedings are always well-downloaded and read. Accepted papers in the categories of Ongoing Research (max. 12 pages), and Reflections and Viewpoints (max. 8 pages), Workshops (max. 2 pages), and Poster descriptions (max. 2 pages) will be published (but, if desired, can be excluded) by in the CEUR-WS proceedings series ( The CEUR Proceedings ( is a free open-access publication service at Sun SITE Central Europe operated under the umbrella of RWTH Aachen University. is a recognized ISSN publication series. Please note that Practitioner abstracts and PhD colloquium papers will not be published. CONFERENCE SPECIAL ISSUE A special issue from conference papers is planned by the eJournal of eDemocracy and Open Government (JeDEM) among other journals. JeDEM is published online under open access and provides researchers and practitioners the opportunity to advance the practice and understanding of eDemocracy, eGovernment, and eParticipation. Final decisions on papers will be made by the special issue guest editor based on the results of the peer review process. BEST PAPER AWARD There are three different best paper awards. The best paper winners will be invited to submit their revised papers to GIQ, the premier journal in e-government field, following a fast-track reviewing process, runners up will be invited to submit to a JeDEM special issue. * Manuel Pedro Rodr?guez Bolivar, University of Granada, Spain * Noella Edelmann, University for Continuing Education Krems, Austria -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My working day may not be your working day. Please do not feel obliged to reply to my email outside of your normal working hours -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marijn Janssen Full Professor in ICT & Governance Head of the Engineerng Systems & Services (ESS) department Innovating the government at ?De DigiCampus? Delft University of Technology Building 31 Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management Room A3.180 PO Box 5015 2600 GA DELFT Jaffalaan 5 2628 BX DELFT the Netherlands Tel.: +31 (15) 278 1140 Fax: +31 (15) 278 3741 EMAIL |WEB | TWITTER | GOOGLE SCHOLAR | SCOPUS | ISI From egov-list at Wed Jan 22 10:41:00 2025 From: egov-list at (Gianluca Miscione via eGov-list) Date: Wed Jan 22 13:44:27 2025 Subject: [EGOV LIST] FW: Ad Astra Faculty Posts 2025 Advertised In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: ***Apologies for cross-posting*** Please distribute as you see fit. Thanks, Gianluca Gianluca Miscione University College Dublin *From: *Management Information Systems on behalf of Michael O'Neill *Date: *Wednesday, 22 January 2025 at 14:19 *To: *MIS-UCD@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE *Subject: *Ad Astra Faculty Posts 2025 Advertised Colleagues, The advertising campaign for the latest round of Ad Astra's has just gone live. MIS has at least one post where "we are seeking candidates with interests in the area of Artificial Intelligence, Analytics and Data, Digital Transformation". The closing date for applications is 21 Feb 2025 (12 noon). The Ad Astra process this year was more closely managed at the centre of the University, and each College had to make a bid/proposal for posts, where all posts have to be tightly linked to the new UCD Breaking Boundaries strategy. Thankfully AI and Analytics is something that MIS can speak to. The job description is attached for your convenience. Please circulate widely amongst your networks. Many thanks, Mike -- *Any personal data provided to University College Dublin, National University of Ireland (?UCD?) will be processed by UCD as data controller in accordance with data protection law. For further information on how UCD uses your personal data and for information on your data protection rights and how to exercise them, please see the **UCD Data Protection Policy* *.* *Confidentiality Notice:** The information contained in this e-mail may be confidential and privileged. It is intended only for the addressee(s) stated above. If you are not an addressee, any use, dissemination, distribution, publication, or copying of the information contained in this e-mail is strictly prohibited. *