[domweek] DOM Week, December 9-13, 2024

Department of Medicine weekly newsletter via domweek domweek at u.washington.edu
Fri Dec 6 15:49:30 PST 2024

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DOM Week
December 6, 2024
News, information, and events of interest from the Department of Medicine <http://bit.ly/1TemKEY>

(If you have items for DOM week, please email amyf at uw.edu<mailto:amyf at uw.edu>)

Well-being grants
[cid:image003.jpg at 01DB47F6.6D13E970]There is still time to apply for a Well-Being Grant, aimed at improving the workplace and learning environment for our community. The grants support impactful activities, programming, projects and/ or applied research that aligns with the goals of our well-being work. All faculty, staff, and trainees from across UW Medicine (inclusive of administrative, clinical, education and research areas) are encouraged to apply for the grants. Application deadline: Dec. 10. For more information, please visit the UW Medicine OFA website<https://bit.ly/4hePRLA>.

Barbara Jung Gender Equity Champion Awards
[cid:image005.png at 01DB47F6.6D13E970]In honor of her many contributions to gender equity in the Department of Medicine, we have named our Gender Equity awards after Department Chair Dr. Barbara Jung. She established the Gender Equity Council in 2020, and the Gender Equity awards were created in 2022.

Nominations are currently open for these awards until Dec. 20. Learn more on our website<https://medicine.uw.edu/diversity/gender-equity/awards>.


Exceptional Mentor Award
[cid:image007.jpg at 01DB47F6.6D13E970]Dr. Alison Bays, assistant professor (Rheumatology) is the 2024-25 recipient of the American Medical Women’s Association (AMWA) Exceptional Mentor Award. She is being recognized for her commitment, contributions, and exceptional mentorship, which set an inspiring example for future generations of women in medicine. AMWA is the oldest multispecialty organization dedicated to advancing women in medicine and improving women’s health.

Staff news
Staff spotlight: Mackenzie Keyse
[cid:image009.png at 01DB47F6.6D13E970]Our latest staff spotlight is on Mackenzie Keyse, communications specialist for the department.

Learn more about her on our news site<https://bit.ly/3OHYiCc>.

Education news
Fellowship match
Please join us in congratulating this year’s residents, current chief residents, former graduates, and our divisions on another successful fellowship match!

Current residents: Seattle

Zainab Al-Tameemi
Sleep Medicine, UCLA

Ananya Bhatia-Lin
Pulm Critical Care, UCSF

Jason Castaneda
Pulm Critical Care, UW

Christine Chow
Cardiology, UW

Connor Fling
Pulm Critical Care, UW

Lena Law
Addiction Medicine, UW

Jacob Leary
Heme-Onc, UC San Diego

Hasan Nadeem
Pulm Critical Care, UW

Neha Naidoo
Gastroenterology, UW

Sharmila Paul
Pulm Critical Care, UCSF

Jessica Pinto
Endocrinology, Univ of Miami

David Rink
Pulm Critical Care, Univ of Michigan

Noga Rogel
Rheumatology, Mass General

Yenny Rosli
Geriatrics, UW

Kalani Ruiz
Cardiology, Univ of Hawaii

Matthew Tanner
Heme-Onc, UW

Elizabeth Tower
Gastroenterology, UW

Elena Wadden
Cardiology, UW

Anna Zimmer
Palliative Medicine, UW

Current residents: Boise

Miles Babb
Cardiology, Arrowhead Regional Medical Center

Annika Kohlmeier
Combined Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine, Weill Cornell

Darion Heald
Rheumatology, Univ. of Utah

Non-ACGME fellowships

Rujuta Patil
Academic Clinician-Educator Scholars Fellowship, Univ. of Pittsburgh

Ila Nimgaonkar
Medical Oncology, BC Cancer

Christopher Beaudoin
Pulm Critical Care, Tulane

Matthew Huber
Interventional Cardiology,
Univ. of Utah

Adiya Jaffari
Cardiology, Univ. of Utah

Anthony Lee
Infectious Disease, Johns Hopkins

Michelle Zhang
Heme-Onc, UW

Clinical news
CARES Awards
[cid:image011.jpg at 01DB47F6.6D13E970]The UW Medicine Cares Award<https://bit.ly/4aj1ywl>, established in 2013, recognizes and celebrates the accomplishments of individuals and teams who consistently exemplify UW Medicine Service Culture Guidelines.

Congratulations to the following DOM members who received Fall 2024 Cares Awards:

Marites Almachar, teaching associate (Cardiology)
Joshua Benditt, professor (Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine)
Cassandra Chiao, fellow (Nephrology)
Marissa Marolf, clinical instructor (Hematology and Oncology)
Adewunmi Nuga, clinical instructor (General Internal Medicine)
Jenna Thomason, assistant professor (Rheumatology)


Psilocybin therapy helps clinicians process COVID despair
[cid:image013.jpg at 01DB47F6.6D13E970]Psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy resulted in significant reductions in depression among clinicians who provided front-line COVID-19 care in 2020 and 2021. These reductions were measurably greater than those experienced by the cohort of clinicians who received a placebo instead.

Findings from this double-blind, randomized clinical trial were published this week in JAMA Network Open<https://bit.ly/4f6hnIQ>.

“For doctors and nurses who feel burned out or disillusioned or disconnected from the patient care they want to provide, this study shows that psilocybin therapy is safe and can help these clinicians work through those feelings and get better,” said Dr. Anthony Back, professor (Hematology and Oncology) and the trial’s lead investigator.

Read the full story from UW Medicine Newsroom<https://bit.ly/4g4kUsE>.

Research news
Underrepresented in Medicine Research Award
[cid:image015.jpg at 01DB47F6.6D13E970]Dr. Addie McClintock, associate professor (General Internal Medicine) was recognized with the Underrepresented in Medicine (URiM) Research Award, by the by the AAMC Research in Medical Education (RIME) Program.

She received the award along with Drs. Joshua Jauregui and Caitlin Schrepel (Dept. of Emergency Medicine) for their project: “You Get What You Reward: A Qualitative Study Exploring Medical Student Engagement in Two Different Sociocultural Assessments<https://bit.ly/4fVFGum>.”

Their findings show that assessments can impact engagement, and therefore, how and what you learn. Their multi-institutional, cross-sectional constructivist-grounded theory study of fourth-year undergraduate medical students also included UWSOM students.

The study found that students’ beliefs about the purpose of assessments, the mental effort assessments require, and their relationships with faculty and peers all play a big role in how they engage with the assessment process. Assessment systems that empower students to have some control over their own learning promote a growth mindset and cultivate student engagement by communicating that if you are learning, you belong.


Clinical Research Intensive Summer Program (CRISP)
Applications are now being accepted for CRISP, the Clinical Research Intensive Summer Program, which provides clinical investigators with hands-on experience and key clinical research skills to accelerate their career development. The program runs July 7-25 at Fred Hutch. Learn more and apply<https://bit.ly/3uyOHHr>.

Recent publications
Dr. Fred Appelbaum, professor (Hematology and Oncology) is co-author of “Genetic risk classification for adults with AML receiving less-intensive therapies: the 2024 ELN recommendations<https://bit.ly/3Zgybav>” in Blood.

Dr. Rachel Bender Ignacio, associate professor (Allergy and Infectious Diseases) is co-author of “Advances in Treatment and Prevention of HIV<https://bit.ly/3ZlTOGh>” in JAMA and lead author of “An urgent call to address the intersection of mpox and HIV in Africa<https://bit.ly/3OCXoqq>” in The Lancet. DOM co-authors are Adrienne Shapiro and Michalina Montaño<https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(24)02542-X/fulltext>.

Dr. Emily Liang, fellow, is lead author, and Dr. Jordan Gauthier, associate professor (Hematology and Oncology) is senior author of “Development and validation of predictive models of early immune effector cell-associated hematotoxicity (eIPMs)<https://bit.ly/4fiMrpf>” in Blood Advances. DOM co-authors are Jennifer Huang, Andrew Portuguese, Natalie Wuliji, Mohamed Sorror, Joshua Hill, Noam Kopmar, Rahul Banerjee, Andrew Cowan, Ajay Gopal, Christina Poh, Mazyar Shadman, Brian Till, Alexandre Hirayama, Erik Kimble, Lorenzo Iovino, Aude Chapuis, Folashade Otegbeye, Ryan Cassaday, Filippo Milano, and David Maloney.

Dr. Adelaide McClintock, associate professor (General Internal Medicine) is co-author of “The Primary Care Exception Rule in Internal Medicine Residency Clinic: Benefits, Disadvantages, Best Practices, and Recommendations for Reform<https://bit.ly/4g1clPk>” in the Journal of General Internal Medicine.

Dr. Juliana McElrath, professor (Allergy and Infectious Diseases) is senior author of “Enhanced and sustained biodistribution of HIV-1 neutralizing antibody VRC01LS in human genital and rectal mucosa<https://bit.ly/4f3cvV1>” in Nature Communications.

Dr. Ganesh Raghu, professor (Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine) is senior author of “Development and Evaluation of ABI-171, a New Fluoro-Catechin Derivative, for the Treatment of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis<https://bit.ly/3CZHUul>” in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences.

Dr. Yutaka Tomizawa, clinical associate professor (Gastroenterology) is co-author of “Hybrid Versus Conventional Colorectal Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial (Short-Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection)<https://bit.ly/41hHc5J>” in the American Journal of Gastroenterology.

In the news
Dr. William Grady, professor (Gastroenterology) was interviewed by Patient Care in “Counseling Patients on False Positives in cfDNA Blood-Based Colorectal Cancer Screening<https://bit.ly/4gn1grt>.”

Dr. Santiago Neme, clinical associate professor (Allergy and Infectious Diseases) and UWMC Medical Director, is quoted in “Why Our Residents and Fellows Stay – and Lead – at UW Medicine<https://bit.ly/3BdIUdM>” in The Huddle.

Weekly Calendar, December 9-13, 2024
Our events calendar is posted on our website<https://medicine.uw.edu/news/trumba-calendar>.

Coming up
DEIB Community Gathering
All are welcome to attend an in-person Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) community gathering event on Dec. 17, 4:30-6:30pm at Métier Brewing Co<https://metierbrewing.com/locations/cherry-street/>.
Please RSVP for this event<https://bit.ly/4eIZjo0>.


Amy Fields, Editor
amyf at uw.edu<mailto:amyf at uw.edu>

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