[domweek] DOM Week, December 11-15, 2023

Department of Medicine weekly newsletter domweek at u.washington.edu
Fri Dec 8 16:05:13 PST 2023

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DOM Week
December 8, 2023
News, information, and events of interest from the Department of Medicine <http://bit.ly/1TemKEY>

(If you have items for DOM week, please email amyf at uw.edu<mailto:amyf at uw.edu>)

Division Spotlight: General Internal Medicine
[image002.png at 01DA1975]As part of our 75th Anniversary, we are spotlighting each of our divisions over the course of the year, in the order they were established.

The Division of General Internal Medicine was established in 1985 with Dr. Thomas Inui as the first division head.

Learn more on our news site<https://bit.ly/47S4Hms>.

Faculty news
[cid:image004.jpg at 01DA29F0.51FD3710]Dr. Crystal Brown, assistant professor (Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine) has been selected to join the 2024 cohort of the JAMA Editorial Fellowship Program. The fellowship provides mentorship and opportunities to learn about editorial decision-making and enhance scientific communication skills.


[cid:image006.jpg at 01DA29F0.51FD3710]Dr. Rotonya Carr, associate professor and head (Gastroenterology) has been elected Councilor of the Governing Board of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD) effective January 2024. She will serve a three-year term as Councilor, become President-Elect, followed by President of AASLD in January 2028.

Staff news
New Medical Genetics and Rheumatology Administrator
[cid:image008.jpg at 01DA29F0.51FD3710]We are pleased to announce that Jessica Belcher will be our new administrator in the Divisions of Medical Genetics and Rheumatology, effective Jan. 22. Jessica comes to us with over 15 years of experience in higher education, including human resources, finance and budgeting, and research administration. Since 2019, she has been the business affairs director in the Division for Teaching and Learning at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

She has a bachelor's degree in environmental policy & analysis and master's degree in public health from Bowling Green State University in Ohio.


Staff shout outs
[cid:image010.png at 01DA29F0.51FD3710]We are introducing a new way to recognize the outstanding work of our staff members in the department - Staff Shout Outs<https://uwnetid.sharepoint.com/sites/dom_intranet/SitePages/Staff-recognition.aspx>. Shout outs are a way to celebrate staff contributions, applaud their teamwork or customer service skills, or just say thanks for their hard work. Those you recognize will receive an email notifying them of the shout out, and we will feature the program in DOM Week throughout the year.

Please let your colleague or team member know how much you appreciate them by giving them a shout out<https://uwnetid.sharepoint.com/sites/dom_intranet/SitePages/Staff-recognition.aspx> today.

Research news
1 in 3 U.S. adults has prediabetes, many unknowingly
[cid:image012.jpg at 01DA29F0.51FD3710]One in three U.S. adults has prediabetes, according to the CDC. In raw numbers, that's about 98 million people.

Most don't know that they have elevated blood sugars, which makes the situation more alarming, said Dr. Subbulaxmi Trikudanathan, clinical associate professor (Metabolism, Endocrinology and Nutrition) and medical director for the UW Medicine Diabetes Institute.

"Prediabetes is very silent," she said. "There can be subtle signs, but often you don't have any symptoms. And it can develop at any age, so screening is important." If a screening indicates you have prediabetes, there are ways to stave off full-blown diabetes, Trikudanathan said.

Read the full story from UW Medicine Newsroom<https://bit.ly/3RcFImx>.

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Department Chair Dr. Barbara Jung is PI on a new grant from the Department of Defense for her project "Mechanisms of Activin Signaling in Acute Pancreatitis" to test the hypothesis that activin A signaling is an early and targetable component of morbidity/mortality-inducing inflammatory response in severe acute pancreatitis (AP).

Recent publications
Drs. Michael Boeckh, professor, and Joshua Schiffer, professor (Allergy and Infectious Diseases) are co-authors of "High-frequency home self-collection of capillary blood correlates IFI27 expression kinetics with SARS-CoV-2 viral clearance<https://bit.ly/3RcJHQb>" in the Journal of Clinical Investigation.

Dr. Emily Ford, assistant professor, is lead author, and Dr. David Koelle, professor (Allergy and Infectious Diseases) is senior author of "Repeated mRNA vaccination sequentially boosts SARS-CoV-2-specific CD8+ T cells in persons with previous COVID-19<https://go.nature.com/419jbeO>" in Nature Immunology. DOM co-authors are Lichen Jing, Kerry Laing, Carlissa Burrow, Christopher McClurkan, Anna Wald and Aude Chapuis.

Dr. Geoffrey Hill, professor (Hematology and Oncology) is co-author of "CSF1R inhibition promotes neuroinflammation and behavioural deficits during graft-versus-host disease in mice<https://bit.ly/3GviALh>" in Blood.

Dr. Gail Jarvik, professor and head (Medical Genetics) is co-author of "Genomic medicine year in review<https://bit.ly/3NgT544>" in the American Journal of Human Genetics.

Dr. Nicholas Johnson, associate professor (Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine) is co-author of "Vaccine Effectiveness Against Influenza A-Associated Hospitalization, Organ Failure, and Death: United States, 2022-2023<https://bit.ly/3GE62AZ>" in Clinical Infectious Diseases.

Drs. Rozenn Lemaitre, research professor, Bruce Psaty, professor, and David Siscovick, professor emeritus (General Internal Medicine) are co-authors of "Role of Polyunsaturated Fat in Modifying Cardiovascular Risk Associated With Family History of Cardiovascular Disease: Pooled De Novo Results From 15 Observational Studies<https://bit.ly/3RsNR7H>" in Blood.

Drs. R. Scott McClelland, professor, and Connie Celum, professor (Allergy and Infectious Diseases) are co-authors of "Durability of single-dose HPV vaccination in young Kenyan women: randomized controlled trial 3-year results<https://go.nature.com/3ta6zrt>" in Nature Medicine.

Dr. Kristen Patton, professor (Cardiology) is co-author of "2023 ACC/AHA/ACCP/HRS Guideline for the Diagnosis and Management of Atrial Fibrillation: A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Joint Committee on Clinical Practice Guidelines<https://bit.ly/4a8eYMS>" in Circulation.

Dr. Thomas Payne, professor (General Internal Medicine) is lead author of "I'm not burned out. This is how I write notes<https://bit.ly/3uJpKc1>" in JAMIA Open.

Dr. Effie Petersdorf, professor (Hematology and Oncology) is lead author of "HLA Haplotypes and Relapse After Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation<https://bit.ly/46MZT04>" in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.

Drs. Thomas Rea, professor (General Internal Medicine) and Peter Kudenchuk, professor (Cardiology) are co-authors of "Bag-Valve-Mask Ventilation and Survival From Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: A Multicenter Study<https://bit.ly/3RH26WR>" in Circulation.

In the news
Dr. Christopher Blosser, clinical professor (Nephrology) and his work investigating the link between transplants and cancer are featured in "Investigating a medical mystery<https://bit.ly/484svD8>" in the University of Washington Magazine.

Drs. Neha Deshpande, Lisa Chew, Jill Watanabe and Somnath Mookherjee wrote "A letter to today's academic generalist mentor<https://bit.ly/4828IUN>" and Drs. Jennifer Wright, Helen Starks, Lauren Beste, Jared Klein and Somnath Mookherjee (General Internal Medicine) wrote "Lessons from a project-based mentorship initiative<https://bit.ly/3NcUzfB>" in SGIM Forum.

Dr. Joshua Liao, associate professor (General Internal Medicine) is quoted in "What works and what doesn't work to help cure a hangover<https://bit.ly/4a5UB2H>" from KING 5 HealthLink.

Dr. Ana Weil, assistant professor (Allergy and Infectious Diseases) is quoted in "Avoiding COVID-19 this holiday season<https://bit.ly/3RvmtWK>" in The Daily.

Events of interest
Medicine Grand Rounds
Dr. Steffanie Strathdee (UCSD) will present "From Bog to Bedside: The Story Behind the First Dedicated Phage Therapy Center in North America" at Medicine Grand Rounds<https://medicine.uw.edu/grand-rounds> on Friday, Dec.15, 2023,12-1pm, via zoom<https://washington.zoom.us/j/812197730>.

Weekly Calendar, December 11-15, 2023
Our events calendar is posted on our website<https://medicine.uw.edu/news/trumba-calendar>.


Amy Fields, Editor
(206) 685-3685
amyf at uw.edu<mailto:amyf at uw.edu>

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