[domweek] DOM Week, March 21-25, 2022
Department of Medicine weekly newsletter
domweek at u.washington.edu
Fri Mar 18 17:02:47 PDT 2022
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DOM Week
March 18, 2022
News, information, and events of interest from the Department of Medicine <http://bit.ly/1TemKEY>
(If you have items for DOM week, please email amyf at uw.edu<mailto:amyf at uw.edu>)
[Hockenbery-D]Dr. David Hockenbery, professor (Gastroenterology) will receive the 2022 Dr. Ali Al- Johani Award for exceptional patient care. This award recognizes exceptional medical care and compassion to transplant patients and families. Awardees are nominated by their fellow caregivers at Fred Hutch and Seattle Cancer Care Alliance.
Education news
The Match
The 2022 Main Residency Match included 39,205 total positions, the largest number on record. Of those, 36,277 were first-year (PGY-1) positions, also the largest on record and a 3.1 percentage point increase over last year.
Internal Medicine - Seattle
[Stethoscope ceremony WWAMI. Photo by Clare McClean.]"We had an outstanding match," said program director Dr. Ken Steinberg. "The class is 54% women and it is also the most diverse group yet. Thirty-seven percent (37%) of the Categorical track is URM and 18% of the Primary Care track. This is incredible progress for our program that is becoming more and more diverse. We also matched 2 visiting scholars into our program (1 into primary care and 1 into categorical), 3 graduates from osteopathic medical schools, and 3 from new medical schools (2 from the new WSU and 1 from California University). In addition, there are 4 PhDs and 5 who have identified as future physician-scientists."
Internal Medicine - Boise
The Boise IM Residency program had a great match as well, and are excited to welcome their new interns:
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The Dermatology Residency Program had over 650 applications and interviewed 35 candidates over the course of three virtual interview days. They welcome Lindsay Gunnell, MD, who will start July 1, 2022, and Caitlin Brumfiel, Keesha Jeter, Heather Mahurin, and Lindsey Warner, MD, who will start July 1, 2023.
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Medical Genetics
[cid:image040.jpg at 01D83AE9.FB13CF00]Medical Genetics welcomed Sam Finlayson, MD, PhD, from Harvard Medical School to the Combined Pediatrics Medical Genetics Residency Program and Edward "Al" Conner, MD, from Mercer University School of Medicine, and Teo Kolarova MD, from Harvard Medical School into the Categorical Medical Genetics Fellowship.
[cid:image041.jpg at 01D83AE9.FB13CF00]Dr. Genevieve Pagalilauan, associate professor (General Internal Medicine) will be associate program director for primary care for the UW Medicine Residency Program, effective July 1, 2022. Dr. Pagalilauan brings a wealth of experience as a primary care general internist, School of Medicine college faculty, clinician-scholar, and mentor for students and residents. She has exceptional achievements in community service and collaboration, EDI activities, and advocacy for disadvantaged individuals and populations.
[Struthers-Sarah]The Division of Nephrology welcomes Dr. Sarah Struthers, clinical assistant professor (Nephrology) is the next associate program director for the Nephrology Fellowship Program. She has been closely involved with the Nephrology Fellowship program, serving as chief fellow in her second year of training, and now as a member of Fellowship Selection Committee and the Clinical Competency Committee.
Faculty news
In memoriam: Christopher Bryson
[cid:image043.jpg at 01D83AE9.FB13CF00]Dr. Christopher Bryson, emeritus associate professor (General Internal Medicine) passed away last week. A core investigator in the VA Northwest Health Services Research and Development Center of Excellence, he pioneered early efforts to measure medication adherence by using large, national, pharmacy databases and applied those metrics in pharmaco-epidemiologic studies of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. He also conducted important studies of quality of care and served as medical director of the Clinical Outcomes Assessment Program (COAP), a non-profit organization responsible for improving quality of care for PCI and CABG in the state of WA.
A memorial service is planned and details are forthcoming. The family has requested that donations in his honor be made to the Division of General Internal Medicine Research Fund (contact Michelle Lynch<mailto:lynchm at uw.edu>).
Gaining Perspective on Life During the Pandemic From Astrophotography
[cid:image044.jpg at 01D83AE9.FB13CF00]Growing up in Shiraz, Iran, the night sky awed Dr. Sina Gharib, professor (Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine). During the war with Iraq, cities would go dark at night to prevent aerial bomb threats. While this was undoubtedly a scary situation, he used it as an opportunity to admire the stars without light pollution.
When the pandemic hit and he found himself spending more time at home, he decided to finally pursue his interest in the night sky. He started in his backyard, connecting an 11-year-old camera to his telescope. Astrophotography also gave him time and space to reflect on the past years in the pandemic. "It makes me appreciate what I have and puts life into perspective," he said. "I'm less stressed or concerned about small things. The images from some galaxies are millions of light years away, so what we're seeing is looking back into history in some ways. It makes me appreciate the vastness of space and puts into perspective our troubles and difficulties, which in the big picture aren't really a big deal. We're not the center of the universe"
Read the full story in The Huddle<https://bit.ly/3we1NrS>.
Research news
NIH All of Us Research Program releases genomic dataset
[Genomic data from a diversity of people]Almost 100,000 highly diverse whole genome sequences are now available through the National Institutes of Health's All of Us Research Program. About 50% of the data is from individuals who identify with racial or ethnic groups that have historically been underrepresented in research.
This data will enable researchers to address as yet unanswerable questions about health and disease. Such studies could lead to new breakthroughs and advance discoveries to reduce persistent health disparities.
"That not only means that we're generating the genotype and sequence data that scientists will use, and that will be returned to the participants, but we also are leaders in how that genotyping data will be used, what is important, and what is the best use of future data," said Dr. Gail Jarvik, professor and head (Medical Genetics). Jarvik has been involved with the All of Us project at the Northwest Genome Center since 2018.
Read more from UW Medicine Newsroom<https://bit.ly/3NcgiTt>.
[Yaacoub Chahine]Dr. Yaacoub Chahine, postdoctoral scholar (Cardiology) won the first prize in the Western Atrial Fibrillation Symposium research competition for his paper entitled "Epicardial Adipose Tissue is Associated with Left Atrial Volume and Fibrotic Remodeling in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation."
Recent publications
Dr. McKenna Eastment, assistant professor (Allergy and Infectious Diseases), is lead author of "Cervical cancer screening, abnormal results, and follow-up in women with substance use-related diagnoses<https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/08897077.2021.2010257>" in Substance Abuse. DOM co-authors are Jocelyn James, Nina Kim, Anna Wald, and Judith Tsui. This work was made possible with the support of AID/DOM Research Collaboratory (ARC<https://sites.uw.edu/hyangkim/53-2/>).
Dr. Laura Evans, professor (Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine) is co-author of "Infection control in the intensive care unit: expert consensus statements for SARS-CoV-2 using a Delphi method<https://bit.ly/3KTYbPW>" in The Lancet Infectious Diseases.
Dr. Danelle Hidano, fellow (Cardiology) is lead author of "US Food and Drug Administration-Mandated Postmarketing Studies for High-risk Cardiovascular Devices Approved 2015-2019<https://bit.ly/3N1BTh9>" in JAMA Internal Medicine.
Dr. George Ioannou, professor (Gastroenterology) is lead author of "Comparison of Moderna versus Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine outcomes: A target trial emulation study in the U.S. Veterans Affairs healthcare system<https://bit.ly/3qfwHML>" in eClinicalMedicine.
Dr. Joshua Liao, associate professor (General Internal Medicine) and associate chair, is co-author of "The Effect Of Clinician Feedback Interventions On Opioid Prescribing<https://bit.ly/3w1SpI1>" in Health Affairs.
Dr. Adrienne Shapiro, acting assistant professor (Allergy and Infectious Diseases) is senior author of "Effect of Sotrovimab on Hospitalization or Death Among High-risk Patients With Mild to Moderate COVID-19A Randomized Clinical Trial<https://bit.ly/3KA5494>" in JAMA.
In the news
Dr. Jan Agosti, clinical associate professor (Allergy and Infectious Diseases) is quoted in "Why Seattle is the 'least challenging' U.S. city to live with seasonal allergies<https://bit.ly/3JoZMwP>" in the Seattle Times.
Dr. Larry Corey, professor (Allergy and Infectious Diseases) is quoted in "As Virus Data Mounts, the J.&J. Vaccine Holds Its Own<https://nyti.ms/3Ifsoaz>" in the New York Times.
Dr. Jeffrey Duchin, professor (Allergy and Infectious Diseases) is quoted in "'Unlike Russell Wilson, COVID is not going away': Forecasting future of post-mandate pandemic<https://bit.ly/3wjVd34>" in MyNorthwest.
Dr. Vishesh Kapur, professor (Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine) is quoted in "Study says 5% of Seattleites work nightshifts and are more vulnerable to health risks<https://bit.ly/3MQ0Hsd>" from KOMO News.
Dr. Farah Khan, clinical assistant professor (Metabolism, Endocrinology and Nutrition) is quoted in "Study Links Vaping and Prediabetes<https://bit.ly/3ieqxbC>" in Managed Healthcare.
Dr. Paul Pottinger, professor (Allergy and Infectious Diseases) is quoted in "'I think there's a real opportunity'; Advancements needed in safe disposal of face masks<https://bit.ly/3t9wyMJ>" from Q13 Fox.
Events of interest
Medicine Grand Rounds
Dr. John O'Shea (National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases) will present the Lane Lecture "Basic and Applied Cytokine Signaling: From to JAKs to Jakinibs and Beyond" at Medicine Grand Rounds on Friday, March 25, 2022,12-1pm, via zoom<https://washington.zoom.us/j/812197730>.
Science Says with Hutch Scientists
Trevor Noah, comedian and host of "The Daily Show" will have a dynamic conversation with Hutch scientists, including DOM faculty Drs. Rachel Issaka and Thomas Lynch, about increasing access to the latest innovative care and research for cancer, COVID-19, HIV and more on March 22, 9-10am. Register for this event<https://bit.ly/3rpMFVE>.
Trauma Stewardship Institute Workshops
UW Medicine and the School of Medicine are partnering with Laura van Dernoot Lipsky and the Trauma Stewardship Institute to address the accumulative toll of the pandemic on UW Medicine healthcare staff and providers through a 2-hour system-wide workshop.
March 23, 1-3pm Register here<http://discover.uw.edu/MTMxLUFRTy0yMjUAAAGC9mKmnB0o-yeJjGWlMCUvQv83FXgDb-tu13WJrtAqoXaOxOr466ag6BL3TwZEg4VYOdqhyCk=> and June 21, 4-6pm Register here<http://discover.uw.edu/MTMxLUFRTy0yMjUAAAGC9mKmnJwnjMoaLOcXVeLaMwTs3bay1GilR5I0B4eODjVFNAEcwrD-sP5C91458N2AIB827n0=>
Weekly Calendar, March 21-25, 2022
Our events calendar is posted on our website<https://medicine.uw.edu/news/trumba-calendar>.
Coming up
Gender Equity Lunch Series: Women's Unpaid Work
[cid:image047.png at 01D83AE9.FB13CF00]On Thursday, March 31, 12-1pm, Kelsey Griffin, division operations manager (Gastroenterology), Anna Tappel, resident (Dermatology) and Steph Timm, residency and fellowship programs administrator (Dermatology) will moderate a discussion on Women's Unpaid Work. Join via zoom<https://washington.zoom.us/j/95127955690>. Please register for this series<https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=W9229i_wGkSZoBYqxQYL0kziYS8KsPlJp974AFRYu_hURFBNTEdCMVdHWks3RTRPNkg5MTA3VDlZTi4u>.
Symposium in Medical Ethics on Race, Health and Justice
The Benjamin Rabinowitz Symposium in Medical Ethics on "Race, Health and Justice" is a one-day, cross disciplinary symposium which will present theoretical and empirical research on racial injustice and its impact on health and well-being. The Keynote Speaker is George Yancy, Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor of Philosophy at Emory University. April 15. For more information and to register, please visit the UW Dept. of Philosophy website.<https://bit.ly/3sxKoHl>
Amy Fields, Editor
(206) 685-3685
amyf at uw.edu<mailto:amyf at uw.edu>
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