[domweek] DOM Week, August 8-12, 2022
Department of Medicine weekly newsletter
domweek at u.washington.edu
Fri Aug 5 17:07:06 PDT 2022
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DOM Week
August 5, 2022
News, information, and events of interest from the Department of Medicine <http://bit.ly/1TemKEY>
(If you have items for DOM week, please email amyf at uw.edu<mailto:amyf at uw.edu>)
[cid:image003.jpg at 01D8A8ED.C853A4B0]Dr. Marianne Dubard-Gault, assistant professor (Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine) was nominated for the Women in Medicine Summit #Resilience Award. The #Resilience Award recognizes someone who has to face significant hurdles and has persisted. This award is meant to honor strength, grit, tenacity, and grace in the setting of difficult circumstances.
Call for nominations: Gilliland Award for Excellence in Teaching
[cid:image005.jpg at 01D8A8ED.C853A4B0]Nominations are currently being accepted for the Bruce C. Gilliland Award for Excellence in Teaching of Residents and Fellows. The Gilliland Award is awarded annually to the faculty member who is actively engaged in clinical and didactic training or in the implementation of a graduate medical education curriculum. Candidates should have demonstrated excellence in teaching over time and must have served for at least three years within UW Medicine or an affiliated training site as a teacher of residents and/or fellows. Nominations<https://medicine.uw.edu/about/awards/gilliland> are due August 19.
EDI News
Save the dates: Upcoming Gender Equity Lunch Series
[cid:image007.jpg at 01D8A8ED.C853A4B0]"Equality and reproductive rights." Department Chair Dr. Barbara Jung will moderate a discussion about equality and reproductive rights - the history, and where we go from here. We have worked with UW Libraries to provide access to view The Janes<https://digitalcampus.swankmp.net/uwashington303229/watch/09A9E7F2217CD443?referrer=direct>, a documentary about a secret abortion service network established by women in the seventies. The network used a series of code names and safe houses to provide women in need with illegal abortions during a time when abortions were banned by the state and church. September 23, 12-1pm, via zoom<https://washington.zoom.us/j/99429800256> (meeting ID: 994 2980 0256). Please RSVP<https://forms.office.com/r/SRWKKrE1fi>.
[cid:image009.jpg at 01D8A8ED.C853A4B0]"Gender and the Electronic Health Record (EHR) workload." Special guest moderator, Dr. Eve Rittenberg, Harvard Medical Center, will discuss gender and the EHR workload, and her article "Primary Care Physician Gender and Electronic Health Record Workload<https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11606-021-07298-z>" published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine. Eve Rittenberg, MD, is an assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and a primary care internist at the Fish Center for Women's Health at Brigham and Women's Hospital. Her interests include women's health, trauma-informed care, and health equity. November 8, 12-1pm, via zoom<https://washington.zoom.us/j/93551236119> (meeting ID: 935 5123 6119). Please RSVP<https://forms.office.com/r/Hx5QT3HCxu>.
Faculty news
Dr. Deborah Greenberg, associate professor (General Internal Medicine) has stepped into the role of Interim Medical Director for the UWMC-Roosevelt General Internal Medicine Center (GIMC) effective August 1, 2022. Dr. Greenberg has long overseen the clinic's resident education program and has served as a member of clinic leadership for years. Dr. Jacob Berman, clinical assistant professor, has stepped down as GIMC Medical Director to focus on his new role as Associate Medical Director for Population Health Integration with UW Medicine. A search<https://apply.interfolio.com/108075> for a new GIMC Medical Director is currently open.
Faculty Spotlights
[cid:image011.jpg at 01D8A8ED.C853A4B0]Dr. Rozenn Lemaitre, research professor (General Internal Medicine) is the first (ever) GIM Research Faculty to achieve the rank of full professor. Dr. Lemaitre is trained in epidemiology and biochemistry, which she applies to evaluate how nutrition, genetics, and blood lipids relate to cardiovascular and diabetes risk. Dr. Lemaitre joined the UW Department of Medicine in 1992 as a research scientist working in the Cardiovascular Health Research Unit. Based on a track record of important scientific contribution, she was appointed to the GIM faculty as a research associate professor in 2012. She also holds an adjunct appointment in the UW Department of Epidemiology.
Learn more about Dr. Lemaitre on the GIM website<https://bit.ly/3JxBxxy>.
[cid:image013.jpg at 01D8A8ED.C853A4B0]Dr. Nancy Sugg, clinical professor (General Internal Medicine) started her career at Harborview in 1986 as medical director of the Southeast Asian Refugee Clinic. In 1991, she became medical director of the Pioneer Square Clinic and Downtown Homeless Healthcare Programs (PSQ Program). In this role, Dr. Sugg has advanced many relationships with local, state, and federal agencies to develop and support innovative approaches to improve health for vulnerable persons: often those with homelessness, mental illness, and/or addiction.
Learn more about Dr. Sugg on the GIM website<https://bit.ly/3OVem17>.
Clinical news
[cid:image015.jpg at 01D8A8ED.C853A4B0]Dr. John Scott, professor (Allergy and Infectious Diseases) has taken on the new, expanded role of Chief Digital health Officer, as part of the official launch of UW Medicine's Digital Health Office (DHO), a team focused on Virtual Care Delivery and developing a robust Digital Front Door to bring together UW Medicine's existing technologies, apps, and other digital services into a simple, single sign-on platform.
Research news
[cid:image017.jpg at 01D8A8ED.C853A4B0]Dr. Bruce Psaty, professor (General Internal Medicine) has received a competing continuation grant, $1.8 million over three years, for the Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology (CHARGE) Consortium, which coordinates large-scale genetic analyses among multiple cohorts for a variety of cardiovascular and aging phenotypes.
[cid:image019.jpg at 01D8A8ED.C853A4B0]Dr. Matthew Triplette, associate professor (Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine) has received a Respiratory Health Equity Research Award from the American Thoracic Society (ATS) Research Program for "Assisting in Smoking Cessation and Lung Cancer Screening in Indigenous People in Seattle (ASSIST).
Recent publications
Joshua Bis (General Internal Medicine), Ian Stanaway (Nephrology) and Dr. Gail Jarvik (Medical Genetics) are co-authors of "Large-scale genome-wide association study of coronary artery disease in genetically diverse populations<https://go.nature.com/3BEIAm0>" in Nature Medicine.
Drs. Shailender Bhatia (Medical Oncology) and Paul Nghiem (Dermatology) are co-authors of "Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC) clinical practice guideline on immunotherapy for the treatment of nonmelanoma skin cancer<https://bit.ly/3oQoUnu>" in the Journal for Immunotherapy of Cancer.
Dr. Rotonya Carr, associate professor and head (Gastroenterology) wrote "DDS Perspective: Time to Get Serious About the Global Pandemic<https://bit.ly/3zS9sOa>" in Digestive Diseases and Sciences.
Dr. Geetanjali Chander, professor and head (General Internal Medicine) is co-author of "Intersection of alcohol use, HIV infection, and the HIV care continuum in Zambia: nationally representative survey<https://bit.ly/3zqIZWs>" in AIDS Care.
Dr. Larry Corey, professor (Allergy and Infectious Diseases) is co-author of "Antinucleocapsid Antibodies After SARS-CoV-2 Infection in the Blinded Phase of the Randomized, Placebo-Controlled mRNA-1273 COVID-19 Vaccine Efficacy Clinical Trial<https://bit.ly/3QcrkbJ>" in the Annals of Internal Medicine.
Dr. Sara Jackson, associate professor (General Internal Medicine) is co-author of "Trends in Utilization of Electronic Consultations Associated With Patient Payer and Language Among US Academic Medical Centers During the COVID-19 Pandemic<https://bit.ly/3cXs328>" in JAMA Network Open.
Dr. Stephanie Lee, professor (Medical Oncology) is senior author of "Yin and Yang of Psychological Health in the Cancer Experience: Does Positive Psychology Have a Role?<https://bit.ly/3bvGWsg>" in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.
Dr. Joshua Liao, associate professor (General Internal Medicine) and associate chair, is senior author of "Remote Patient Monitoring-Will More Data Lead to More Health?<https://bit.ly/3oUfXK8>" in JAMA Internal Medicine.
Dr. Ajit Limaye, professor (Allergy and Infectious Diseases) is co-author of "Vaccination, Transplantation, and a Social Contract<https://bit.ly/3BHw851>" in the American Journal of Nephrology.
Dr. Shubhabrata Mukherjee, research associate professor, is lead author and Dr. Paul Crane, professor (General Internal Medicine) is senior author of "Cognitive domain harmonization and cocalibration in studies of older adults<https://bit.ly/3vKvcsN>" in Neuropsychology. DOM co-authors are Seo-Eun Choi, Michael Lee, Phoebe Scollard, Laura Gibbons, and R. Elizabeth Sanders.
Dr. Ganesh Raghu, professor (Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine) is lead author of "Long-term evaluation of the safety and efficacy of recombinant human pentraxin-2 (rhPTX-2) in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF): an open-label extension study<https://bit.ly/3QqjFXI>" in Respiratory Research and co-author of "Integration and Application of Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Diagnosis of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis and Fibrotic Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis<https://bit.ly/3Qm707T>" in Chest and "Genome-wide Enrichment of TERT Rare Variants in IPF Patients of Latino Ancestry<https://bit.ly/3JzEayP>" in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.
Dr. Suzanne Watnick, professor (Nephrology) is co-author of "The Advancing American Kidney Health Initiative: Do Not Let 80% Distract Us from the Fact that We Can Do Better<https://bit.ly/3d9CdNz>" and "Collaboration between Dialysis Providers<https://bit.ly/3OYmC0n>" in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.
Dr. Brian Wood, associate professor (Allergy and Infectious Diseases) is lead author of "Direct and Indirect Effects of a Project ECHO Longitudinal Clinical Tele-Mentoring Program on Viral Suppression for Persons With HIV: A Population-Based Analysis<https://bit.ly/3vy9c4l>" in the Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. See also commentaries from American Academy of HIV Medicine<https://bit.ly/3oUF4MF> and UNM Health<https://bit.ly/3SjoC6a>.
*correction from last week. Dr. Judith Tsui (General Internal Medicine) is senior author of "Peer providers and linkage with buprenorphine care after hospitalization: A retrospective cohort study" in Substance Abuse with additional co-authors Elenore Bhatraju and Joseph Merrill.
In the news
Dr. Bradley Anawalt, professor (General Internal Medicine) and vice chair, is quoted in "More Men Are Seeking Out Testosterone Tests. Are They Getting Duped?"<https://nyti.ms/3SpAQdr> in the New York Times.
Dr. Shireesha Dhanireddy, professor (Allergy and Infectious Diseases) is quoted in "Monkeypox: What to know about the disease and its status in WA<https://bit.ly/3SiSU9c>" in the Seattle Times.
Dr. Matthew Golden, professor (Allergy and Infectious Diseases) is quoted in "'It was super scary': First Washington resident diagnosed with monkeypox talks about his experience<https://bit.ly/3Bs3NPR>" from KING 5 News.
Dr. John Lynch, professor (Allergy and Infectious Diseases) is quoted in "Adults Younger Than 50 Can't Get a Second Booster Until Fall<https://bit.ly/3oS0rhK>" in Seattle Met.
Dr. Joshua Schiffer, professor (Allergy and Infectious Diseases) is quoted in "Should you still be wearing a mask? As COVID rates climb, health experts say the answer is yes<https://bit.ly/3zUJLMY>" in the Seattle Times.
Weekly Calendar, August 8-12, 2022
Our events calendar is posted on our website<https://medicine.uw.edu/news/trumba-calendar>.
Coming up
Research Fellows Orientation Course
Everything you need to know to survive & thrive in academics! Please join us for the annual Department of Medicine Workshop: "Surviving and Thriving During the Research Years", a course covering skills necessary for academic success, such as grant writing, teaching & oral presentations, job negotiations, appointments & promotions, and breakout sessions on opportunities in industry or the public health & policy sector. The course is designed for fellows navigating their research path and is open to fellows and early-stage faculty from all departments. There is no charge to attend this virtual course. Aug. 29, 8:30am-3pm. For more details and to register, please visit our website<https://medicine.uw.edu/education/fellows/research-fellows-orientation-course>.
Amy Fields, Editor
amyf at uw.edu<mailto:amyf at uw.edu>
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